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Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Videos


Mental Health Applications in the NSW Local Court

Those suffering from a mental health impairment such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder, or a cognitive impairment such as an intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury, who are charged with criminal offences that are to remain in the...

Do I Have to Participate in a Police Interview in New South Wales?

You are not normally legally required to participate in a police interview in New South Wales, and you should always exercise your right to silence and decline to participate until and unless you have first consulted a lawyer. You are...

Top Ten Tips for Court Character References in NSW

Character references for courts in New South Wales should: 1. Be typed on a letterhead, signed and dated 2. Be addressed to ‘Your Honour’ 3. Use the plain words of the ‘referee’ 4. Start with the referee outlining where, in...
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