Recent Criminal Cases


Bail Granted Before All Charges Dropped Over Sexual Assault and Strangulation Allegations

Our client is a 30-year old male Uruguayan national residing at Bondi, in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. According to the prosecution’s ‘statement of facts’, the 29-year old female complainant attended a Sunday evening gathering at her friend’s Bondi apartment. Around 15... read more

Charges of Sexual Touching Without Consent Dropped

Our client is employed with an information technology company in Sydney. He was charged with one count of sexually touching a female without her consent. The accusations arose after a work Christmas party in North Sydney. According to the police,... read more

Bail Granted Despite Allegations of Serious Child Sexual Offences

Our client is a 38-year old truck driver from the Penrith area. He has been charged with eight separate sexual offences against a child over a period of time, being: Indecent assault, person under the age of 16 years Sexually... read more

Not Guilty of Sexual Touching Without Consent

Our client is a 44-year old male doctor who resides in the northern suburbs of Sydney. An allegation was made that he committed the offence of ‘sexual touching’ (previously known as ‘indecent assault’) against a 14-year old girl, who was... read more

Client Found Not Guilty of All 10 Sexual Offences

Our client is a 51-year old man who resides with his family in Tamworth. He was charged with multiple historical chid sexual offences against his sister in law, the complainant, which were claimed to have occurred between 1992 and 2002,... read more

Not Guilty of Two Counts of Sexual Assault and Two of Indecent Assault

Our client is a 24 year old Laotian citizen from Homebush. He was studying Law at the University of New South Wales. A friend invited him to a housewarming dinner at an apartment. The friend’s roommate and girlfriend were present... read more

Not Guilty of Multiple Sexual Assault and Aggravated Indecent Assault Charges

Our client is 37 year old man from Blacktown. The parents of a 13-year old girl returned home to find him hiding under their daughter’s bed. They called police who attended the home and interviewed the girl. The teenager told... read more

Not Guilty of Indecent Assault Allegations

Our client is a 43 year old taxi driver from western Sydney. Charges of indecent assault were brought against him after a female passenger claimed that he touched her inappropriately on the arms and legs with his left hand while... read more

Mental Health Application Successful for Obscene Exposure

Our client is a 26-year-old man undertaking a Masters of Accounting degree. On his first and second day of studies, he exposed himself to two visiting high school students in the throes of physical pleasure. Each complainant reported the matter... read more

Defence Strategy Forces DPP to Drop Sexual Assault Trial

Our 37 year old client was charged with ‘Sexual Intercourse Without Consent’ and ‘Assault with Act of Indecency‘ after it was alleged that, in early December 2013, he sexually assaulted a young lady on the corner of Riley and Ann... read more
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