Negligent Driving Appeal Upheld
Our client is a 51 year old owner of a security company who lives in South-West Sydney. He was turning right at an intersection when his car collided with an oncoming car driven by a 20-year old P-plater. Police attended...
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Client Found Not Guilty of Brutality Charges
Our client is a constable in the NSW Police Force. On a Thursday night, the complainant was ejected by security officers from a hotel in Lidcombe due to his level of intoxication. Our client and another police officer attended the...
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Not Guilty of Negligent Driving Occasioning Death
Our client was charged with Negligent Driving Occasioning Death after being involved in a high-speed, head-on collision with another car on a country highway. Eyewitnesses made statements to the effect that our client had been driving perfectly in the lead...
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Not Guilty of all charges including Aggravated Dangerous Driving Occasioning Death
A Jury in Downing Centre District Court found our 22 year old client ‘not guilty’ of all charges after a hard-fought two week trial involving extensive expert evidence. Our client faced charges of Aggravated Dangerous Driving Occasioning Death, Dangerous Driving...
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Negligent Driving Occasioning GBH Case Dropped
Police withdrew proceedings for ‘negligent driving occasioning grievous bodily harm‘ against our 17 year old client from Collaroy after Sydney Criminal Lawyers® argued that the charge could not be sustained. The case involved our client, who was on her L...
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No Conviction and No Disqualification for Negligent Driving Occasioning GBH
In Downing Centre Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no conviction or loss of licence) for a 30 year old truck driver who drove negligently causing serious injuries to several cyclists, including brain damage and numerous broken bones...
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‘Not Guilty’ of Negligent Driving
The Magistrate in Penrith Local Court found our 52 year old client ‘not guilty’ of ‘negligent driving’ after finding that the alleged ‘victim’ may have caused the accident in question. Our client’s previous lawyer advised him that his chances of...
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Found Not Guilty of Negligent Driving
A 42 year old bus driver was found ‘not guilty’ of ‘negligent driving’ after his bus collided with a pedestrian who carelessly crossed a busy bondi intersection.
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