Recent Criminal Cases


No Criminal Record, Licence Disqualification or Fine for High Range Drink Driving

Our client is a successful businessman, environmentalist and family man. He was charged by police with High Range Drink driving, having returned a positive breath analysis of .159. We immediately contacted police to ask for copies of their body worn... read more

Not Guilty of High Range Drink Driving and Police Ordered to Pay Costs

Our client is a 35-year old IT professional who had never previously been in trouble with the law. He made a foolish decision to drive the short distance home after a work celebration, where he had been drinking alcohol. Police... read more

No Conviction or Disqualification for High Range Drink Driving

The Magistrate in Parramatta Local Court awarded our 32 year old client a ‘section 10’ for high range p.c.a. which means that he avoids a criminal conviction and gets his licence back. Our client works as an Information Technology expert... read more

Driver Avoids Conviction after case reduced from High Range to Low Range PCA

A driver who registered a high-range blood alcohol reading of 0.163 avoided a conviction in Downing Centre Local Court after his reading was later reduced to 0.78. The driver was pulled-over for a roadside random breath test near the Sydney... read more

High Range PCA and DUI Charges Dropped

Police were forced to withdraw drink driving charges against our 48 year old client from Castle Hill after they failed to follow the law. The case involved our client crashing into a telegraph pole while allegedly driving with a blood... read more

No Conviction for High Range PCA

In Downing Centre District Court, our 46 year old Mascot client was dealt with under ‘Section 10’, which means without disqualification, fine or conviction despite having a blood alcohol reading of 0.165. She is a person of excellent character and... read more

No Conviction for High Range Drink Driving

In Waverley Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no conviction or disqualification) for a 28 year old man who pleaded guilty to driving with ‘high range drink driving’ (his blood alcohol reading was 0.218) read more

No Conviction/Disqualification for 2nd Drink Driving offence within 5 years

After persuading police to reduce a charge of high range pca to low range pca by obtaining a pharmacological report to the effect that our 32-year old client’s blood alcohol concentration was lower when he drove than later when his... read more
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