No Conviction for 800 Steroid Tablets


Our client is a 24 year old physical education student.

Police say they observed him entering a ‘known drug premises’ and exiting a short time later with a package.

They followed his car and pulled him over a short time later. They asked whether he had any drugs in the car, to which he replied ‘some steroids’.

They then search his car, located the package on the passenger seat, and within it found a total of 800 Dianabol (steroid) tablets, a 10 ml vial of Sustanox X250 (a steroid) and approximately 1 gram of cannabis.

Our client was then charged with three counts of drug possession in respect of the substances. Given the state of the evidence and our client’s admissions, and after some alterations were agreed by the prosecution to the ‘full facts’, pleas of guilty were entered to the charges.

Our client instructed that he was “obsessed” with his body image. Accordingly, we arranged for him to see a psychologist, who diagnosed him with  ‘body dysmorphia’.

He continued seeing the psychologist in the lead-up to the sentencing hearing, and we obtained a report about his underlying issues and the steps he taken towards address them.

We also assisting him to prepare a letter to the court which outlined his acceptance of responsibility, his remorse and his efforts towards rehabilitation. We also helped him in obtaining character references in the proper form.

Despite the quantity of drugs and number of charges, we ultimately persuaded the magistrate to place him on good behaviour bonds for a period of two-years without recording a criminal conviction against his name.

Our previously-anxious client is now confident that his studies will lead to employment as a teacher or instructor.

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