Habitual Offender Declaration Quashed Despite 6 Drive Whilst Disqualified Offences


Our client is a 54-year-old cabinet maker from Sydney’s north shore.

He came to us with six ‘Drive While Disqualified’ convictions on his traffic record. He had been the subject of previous Habitual Offender Declarations.

Being unable to drive, he had been demoted to working in a factory. He had previously been able to attend various job sites and earn a substantially greater income, and also drive his three children to various extra-curricular activities.

To his great credit, our client obtained a reference from his employer setting out his need for a licence, and also from his wife about the additional pressure she was under as the sole driver. He also completed a Traffic Offender Program and wrote a letter to the court.

With the case thoroughly prepared, we made compelling sentencing submissions highlighting our client’s circumstances and his need for a licence.

Despite our client’s record, the Magistrate was ultimately persuaded to quash the Habitual Offender Declaration.

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