Speed Camera Case Thrown Out of Court


The Magistrate in Hornsby Local Court upheld our 36 year old client’s court election against a LIDAR-detected ticket for speeding by more than 15km per hour on Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills.

Police issued the ticket based upon a reading from the hand-held device just after 3.45pm on a weekday.

Our client was adamant that he was not speeding and wished to dispute the ticket.

A photo served upon our office shortly before the hearing date supported our client’s instructions that there was heavy traffic at the time and it could have been another vehicle that was speeding.

He gave evidence to that effect on the witness stand, and the Presiding Magistrate ultimately accepted our submissions that the reading could have been for a vehicle that was in the lane beside our client’s or could otherwise have been inaccurate due to the number of other vehicles on the road at the time.

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