Do I Have to Provide Police with My Identification in NSW?

Police in New South Wales are not empowered to arbitrarily require your identification, but do have the power to require it if:

1. They hold a reasonable suspicion you can assist in the investigation of a serious offence,

2. You are a driver subjected to random traffic stop for drink or drug driving, or are suspected of a traffic offence,

3. You are a driver or passenger in a motor vehicle reasonably suspected of being used in a serious offence,

4. You are responsible for, own or have custody of a motor vehicle suspected of having been used in a traffic offence,

5. You are under 18 and police reasonably suspect you of having alcohol in a public place,

6. Police are serving a fine default warrant,

7. A specific order such as a Public Health Order requires you to produce identification, or

8. You are under arrest.

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