When Can Police Strip Search a Person in NSW?

Police can only strip search you at a police station if they have a reasonable suspicion you possess
something illegal, dangerous or used in a crime and the search is necessary, or, at any other place, if
the seriousness and urgency of the circumstances require the search to be conducted there.

Police must inform you that you will have to remove clothing, ask for your cooperation, conduct the
search in a private area away from the view of others and in the least invasive way possible, not
search your genital area, or your breasts if you are a woman or identify as one, ensure you are
searched by a person of the same sex, not question you while undertaking the search, and allow you
to put clothing back on as soon as the search is completed.

Police must not touch you during the search, visually inspect you more than necessary or search any
body cavity.

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