News : Interviews

“We Keep Us Safe, We Stop Arming Israel”: Interview with Palestinian Organiser Tasnim Sammak

The globe is bearing witness to the gravest atrocity since the Holocaust. And this, the Israeli state perpetrated genocide upon the Palestinians of Gaza, is underpinned by the same supremacist ideas and land grabbing proclivities as all settler colonial states...

Blockade Australia Has Shut Down Newcastle Coal Line for 10 Days Straight: Interview With Grace

Blockade Australia is back with a vengeance, as the network of climate defenders have been busily undertaking a sustained action against the resource rail line leading from the interior out to Newcastle Coal Port: the planet’s largest such port. But...

Australia Is Obliged to Investigate Citizens Fighting for Israel, Says the ACIJ’s Rawan Arraf

Within days of Israel commencing its now ten-month-long killing spree of the Palestinians within the walled-in region of Gaza, that nation’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu put out a call for its 360,000 army reservists to show up for duty, and that...

Victoria Police Provoke Protest to Facilitate Harsher Laws, Says Renegade Solidarity Audio Force

This weekend marks the 38th week of the Free Palestine protests being held across the nation. And by all accounts, except for the disinformation being peddled by untrustworthy major party politicians, these events have been peaceful, harmonious and family-friendly. The...

Academics Call for an End to Albanese’s Israel Complicity: Interview with Professor Stuart Rees

“Why collusion with this grotesque Israeli government?” Australian academics asked prime minister Anthony Albanese in a 14 June open letter, and they further raise the “sadness and despair” that his government’s unbridled support for Tel Aviv’s genocidal attack on Gaza...

The Drug Offenders Program: Shane Prince SC and Jim Finnane on Early Intervention 

The hardline approach taken to psychoactive drugs has pushed their use underground, which causes barriers to seeking help for those who develop problematic use, as they’re admitting to a crime, while the funding of an ever-increasing habit can also become...

“A Progressive Escalation of BDS Actions Worldwide”: An Interview With BDS Australia

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation implemented by the South African government in 1948, which saw the white minority rule over the Black South African people of that nation in an authoritarian manner that violently oppressed and impoverished the...

Australians Fighting in Gaza Should’ve Been Warned of Potential Prosecution, Says Greg Barns SC

The Netanyahu government issued a 10 October 2023 call for its 360,000 army reservists to show up for military action it had launched in the Gaza Strip. And it’s understood that about 1,000 Australians with dual citizenship heeded the call...

‘Student Camps Are Anti-Genocide, Not Anti-Semitic’, Says UniMelb for Palestine’s Dana Alshaer

Right now, it would be difficult not to be aware that students at numerous Australian universities have set up campsites on campuses, with the aim of opposing the Israeli government perpetrated genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza. Another aspect to...

Reestablishing the White Australia Policy: Shoebridge on Albanese’s Racist Refugee Bill

The Senate is set to vote upon a third tranche of Labor migration laws relating to refugees and asylum seekers that is so divisive many are astounded that the traditional party of the left has placed them on the table,...
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