No Criminal Record For Explosives And Firearms Offences


Our client is a 26-year-old member of the Australia Defence Force.

He was charged with 5 offences of possessing explosives and prohibited weapons.

He was suspended without pay from the Defence Force pending the outcome of the charges.

Once he contacted our firm, we immediately commenced negotiations which resulted in police withdrawing 3 of the charges.

We negotiated significant amendments to the police ‘fact sheet’ which more accurately reflected the circumstances of the offending. Our client then entered a plea of guilty to the remaining 2 charges.

In Downing Centre Local Court, we presented information about the circumstances leading up to the offending conduct, our client’s personal circumstances and the effect that a criminal conviction would have upon him.

We also called his father to give oral evidence on our client’s behalf.

Recognising the very serious nature of the charges – including the fact that one of the offences carries a maximum penalty of 14-years imprisonment – we made extensive and detailed oral submissions seeking leniency from the Magistrate.

His Honour was ultimately persuaded to grant our client a 12-month good behaviour bond under section 10 – which means he avoids a criminal conviction altogether.

He hopes to recommence his position and move forward with his life.

Going to Court? (02) 9261 8881



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