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Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Videos


When Can NSW Police Search a Person Without a Warrant?

Section 21 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 gives police officers in New South Wales the power to stop, search and detain a person and anything in the person’s possession or under the person‘s control without a warrant...

Know Your Rights: When Can Police Search a Vehicle in NSW?

Section 36 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act empowers police to search a vehicle if they have a valid search warrant, or without a warrant if they suspect on reasonable grounds that: 1. It contains a prohibited drug...

Your Rights on Arrest

You have the following rights on arrest: To be told you are under arrest, what you have been arrested for, and to be cautioned, To be told your rights and formally cautioned by the custody manager upon your arrival at...

When Can Police Search Without a Warrant in NSW?

Did you know that police need a reasonable suspicion to conduct drug searches without a warrant? Yes, indeed, it’s not a random act. If a search is considered illegal, any evidence obtained could be excluded from court proceedings. That’s where...

Is It Legal to Record a Private Conversation in NSW?

Ever wondered whether it is legal to record a private conversation in New South Wales? Under section 7 of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007, it is an offence punishable by up to 5 years in prison to knowingly install, use...

Is it Legal to Film Police?

It is completely legal to film police in public places, such as on the streets, in shops, shopping centres, malls, restaurants, licensed venues and other places members of the public are allowed to enter without permission from the owners. In...

Is it legal to film police in New South Wales?

Pop quiz! Can you legally film police officers in New South Wales? The answer is yes, you can! Smartphones and social media have revolutionized how we hold power to account. Our ability to capture and share videos of police actions...
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