Why Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Video Transcript

Today I’m talking about why you might consider choosing Sydney Criminal Lawyers® over other criminal law firms.

There are a lot of firms out there, a lot of people to choose from, and making the decision of choosing a lawyer is one of the most important ones that you might want to make during your life.

It can make a big difference in the outcome no question about that.

The first is that we are a long established and highly respected criminal law firm, we’ve been around for a long time, we’ve represented over 10,000 clients, and our senior lawyers here work very, very hard towards getting the right result for you, we’re in the courts every day, we do a range of criminal and traffic cases all the way from drink driving up to murder cases, commercial drug importation cases, serious assault cases.

So we do a range of cases and we’ve been doing them for many years.

We’re familiar with the magistrates, we’re familiar with the judges, and they respect us, they know that we do a good job and this equates to better results.

So whereas there are range of law firms ever-expanding range of law firms out there, claiming this or claiming that, we’ve been around for a long time and again we’re a very respected legal practice.

That’s reflected in our track record of excellent results, which are posted on our website.

Now that brings us to the second reason that is results.

We have a very long and proven track record of getting excellent results in these cases.

One of the reasons is we have what’s called a senior lawyer guarantee.

What that means is if you have a case in court you won’t be represented by a junior lawyer, you will only be represented by a senior lawyer, someone who’s been around for years and who is specialised and very experienced in the type of case that you go to do.

So that I believe contributes to our unbeaten track record in criminal and traffic cases, and I certainly challenge any other law firm to match our results.

I believe that we get a higher percentage of jury trials won, defended hearings won, and a higher percentage of section tens in local court matters.

Section 10 dismissals and conditional release orders are when you plead guilty but the magistrate chooses not to disqualify you from driving or give you a conviction.

In serious criminal cases we work very, very hard to have cases dropped at an early stage.

We do this by getting the materials, by citing the materials in the case, that’s the statement it’s on and so forth, subpoenaing you if we need to, then writing to the prosecution, and pushing for the withdrawal of your case.

That’s called charge of negotiations.

Very high percentage of cases here are withdrawn by the prosecution because we point out the deficiencies in the case.

We don’t have cases that go from adjournment to adjournment, with very little done between.

We know how to get cases dropped.

We work hard to do that.

The third reason is certainty of price.

In 2004 we were the first law firm to publish fixed fees on our website, and many have copied since.

We offer fixed fees for a range of cases from guilty pleas in the local court to local court defended hearings, we offer fixed fees for appeals, for bail applications, for police interviews, for attending prison.

So a whole range of services are offered at a fixed fee, so you’ll know exactly how much your case will cost.

No surprises.

For serious criminal cases, so bigger cases, we also offer accurate estimates on how much it’s going to cost.

We won’t tell you that it’s going to cost a X amount of money and then charge a lot more than that.

We will estimate as best we can if it’s a more serious criminal case, and we will work hard to get that case dropped again.

So the certainty of price is important.

You want to know how much you’re going to have to pay.

You want to know that it’s not going to be a big financial burden on you.

We also offer assistance with legal aid grants.

If you have legal aid we can ask for that to be assigned to our practice, given to our practice.

So we really try to do what we can to assist in terms of price and to get you the best possible result.

You can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a free first conference with an experienced criminal or traffic defence lawyer.

Our numbers is 9261 8881.

Hope to see you soon.

Video transcription by YouTube

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