Gaming Machines Act 2001 (NSW)

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Information on this page was reviewed by a specialist defence lawyer before being published. Click to read more.

The Gaming Machines Act 2001 regulates a wide range of matters that relate to gaming machines (often called poker machines) in New South Wales.

It prescribes rules for gaming machine entitlements, the trading and disposal of gaming machines, harm minimisation measures, gaming-related licences as well as the mere possession of gaming machines, and sets down  a range of offences to enforce those rules – ensuring the New South Wales government has a stranglehold on everything to do with an industry that makes it an enormous amount of money each year.

The legal team at Sydney Criminal Lawyers are experts in advising those who are going through the legal minefield of ensuring their compliance with the rules when it comes to gaming machines, as well as putting forth the positions of businesses who are entangled in disputes or the subject of proceedings.

For accurate advice regarding the rules, exceptional advocacy from real lawyers with extensive experience to support your company’s position, and who can actually personally defend you in court  in legal proceedings brought under the Gaming Machines Act, call our specialist defence team anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a consultation.

Or click on a link below to read about specific offences under the Act.

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