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Jury Act 1977 (NSW)

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Information on this page was reviewed by a specialist defence lawyer before being published. Click to read more.

The Jury Act 1977 is the principal piece of legislation regulating the summoning, challenging, selection and discharge of juries in New South Wales.

It also imposes rules relating to the exclusion and exemption of jurors, majority verdicts and payment for jury service, and contains offence provisions for contraventions of the rules.

The offence provisions relate, among other things, to failing to return a questionnaire when required to do so, supplying false or misleading information to sheriffs regarding jury service, failing to attend for jury service as required, personating jurors, disclosing information about jurors, soliciting information from or harassing jurors, dismissing or otherwise prejudicing jurors as a result of their jury service, and misconduct by jurors; including disclosing certain information without authorisation to do so and making outside inquiries in contravention of judge’s directions.

If you are going to court for allegedly committing an offence under the Jury Act, call Sydney Criminal Lawyers anytime on (02) 9261 8881 for a free first appointment with a specialist defence lawyer who will accurately advise you of your options and the best way forward, and use their experience and legal expertise to bring about the best possible outcome in your particular situation.

Click on a link below for more information about specific offences under the Jury Act.

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