News : World

The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

The local pro-Palestinian movement has become a force to be reckoned with over the last ten months. And the focal point of it has been the massive nonviolent and family-orientated street protests that have marched through the continent’s major cities...

Duggan’s Stewing in Maximum Over US Extradition, But Like Assange, It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over

The nation of Australia is having a moment of collective elation, and rightly so.  Julian Assange has just been freed after 12 years of extralegal persecution and, after the initial shock wears off, people are suddenly aware of new hope...

Julian Is Coming Home: Assange’s Plea Deal Freedom Is a Victory for Us All

Footage of Julian Assange sitting in a room close by a runway at London Stansted Airport, prior to walking freely from the building towards a small passenger plane and boarding at 5 pm local time Monday afternoon, was posted at...

Labor Ministers Grizzle Over Spray Painted Offices, as Sea of Palestinian Blood Is Spilt

Mindless acts of vandalism have always been frowned on in the community. The destruction of private or public property for a quick thrill can cause untold financial and psychological harm to the often randomly resulting victim/s of such crimes, while...

Australians Fighting in Gaza Should’ve Been Warned of Potential Prosecution, Says Greg Barns SC

The Netanyahu government issued a 10 October 2023 call for its 360,000 army reservists to show up for military action it had launched in the Gaza Strip. And it’s understood that about 1,000 Australians with dual citizenship heeded the call...

Thousands of Australian Public Servants Speak Out Against Israeli Atrocities

One of the big news stories last Thursday was over 300 Australian public servants had signed an open letter calling on the PM and his government to end their “support of the genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine...

Naarm and Gadigal Escalate for Rafah and Against Australian Complicity in Gaza

Warning: Senior Australian political figures and editors of the Murdoch press are running a concerted campaign to equate antigenocidal demonstrations and sentiment in relation to Gaza as antisemitic, so continue reading at your own risk of being corrupted. Pro-Palestinian protesters...

Apartheid Israel Has Destroyed the Global System That Ensured ‘Never Again’

After eight months of perpetrating the most barbaric large-scale killing spree the globe has ever collectively witnessed, the Israeli state continues to reach new depths of depravity that are usually reserved for sermons of the Abrahamic traditions, warning of just...

As Online Content Fuels the Free Palestine Movement, Government Attempts to Suppress It

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), an armed libertarian socialist group of Indigenous peasants from the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, seized urban centres to establish autonomous decentralised zones on 1 January 1994: the day the North Atlantic Free...

Proposed Federal Anti-Hate Speech Laws: Silencing Outrage Over Gaza

Israel recently dropped huge metal bombs on Palestinian civilian refugees, mainly women and children, sheltering in tents in an area of Rafah that Israel had designated a safe zone. Yet, those in the Australian community making loud protestations about this...
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