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Robbery Offences

Would You Be Harder on Crime than a Judge?

Magistrates and judges are often criticised by the general public for being too ‘soft’ when dealing with offenders. For instance, 23-year-old Luke Lazarus was recently sentenced to a minimum of three years imprisonment following a conviction for the sexual assault...

Gambling Addiction and Crime

Gambling has been a form of popular entertainment in Australia from earliest colonial days right up to the present day, with Australians spending billions of dollars on various forms of gambling each year. Unfortunately, gambling can get addictive and lead...

Should Shop Owners Take the Law into their Own Hands?

Shoplifting is serious problem for a large number of businesses, and many store owners have become frustrated with what they see as a lack of effective action on the part of the police and the courts. This has led some...

Mastermind Behind Silk Road Convicted on All Charges

American web developer Ross Ulbricht was this week convicted on seven Federal charges, including trafficking drugs on the internet, computer hacking and money laundering. Following a three-week long trial, a jury found that the 30-year-old had planned, created and run...

Is It Still Stealing If You Believe You Are Entitled To Take It?

If you honestly believed that you were owed something, and you took it without the other person’s consent, are you guilty of stealing? Not necessarily, according to current law. The law says that person who is charged with an offence...

With so much Media Attention on Violent Crime: Are Crime Rates in NSW Rising or Falling

Recent figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) show that most of the main offence types have remained steady or decreased in number throughout the state over the previous three months. There have been a number...

Six Police Charged following an ICAC Investigation

The latest in a long string of ICAC investigations has surfaced in South Australia. Today’s headlines announced that six South Australian police officers were charged with serious offences and faced court today. The investigation by ICAC and the state’s anti-corruption...

Do Men Commit More Crimes than Women?

Men have always had a reputation for being more inclined to criminal behaviour than women, especially when it comes to committing violent offences such as assault or murder. The statistics would appear to support this, with only one fifth of...

NSW Criminal Court Statistics – News and Trends

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has recently released a summary of crime statistics for the March 2014 quarter. This report shows a number of interesting trends in criminal activity, sentencing and time taken to finalise court...

Why a Proceeds of Crime Barrister is a Wise Idea

If you have been convicted of a serious offence, such as drug trafficking, or fraud, there is the very real prospect that the prosecution will apply to the court for a confiscation order for the proceeds of your crime. Under...
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