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Firearms Licences

When Small Matters Turn Into Large Legal Problems

Two recent incidents have cast a spotlight on how small matters can quickly turn into monumental legal issues. A Queensland man caused a hijacking scare on a flight to Bali on Friday after mistaking the cockpit for the toilet, while...

Can I Get A Shotgun Licence With Previous Convictions?

If you want to own or use a shotgun in NSW you will need to apply for a firearms licence. The firearms licensing laws in NSW are fairly stringent, and if you want to apply for a licence you will...

Defending an AVO

Have you recently been served with an AVO? AVOs are surprisingly common and they can be taken out for a variety of reasons. If you are facing an AVO it is a good idea to think carefully before accepting it...

Do I Need a Licence for Collecting Firearms in NSW?

If you want to own a firearm in NSW you need to obtain a firearms licence. The licence requirements vary depending on the type of firearm and your reasons for wanting to own it. If you are collecting firearms in...

Professional Contract Shooters and Firearms Licences

There are a number of stringent rules surrounding who is allowed a licence to possess a firearm in NSW. One of the requirements of owning a firearm is having a genuine reason to possess a weapon. Other factors that will...

On What Grounds Can I Be Refused A NSW Firearms Licence?

In order to be able to possess and use a firearm in NSW, you will be required to have a NSW firearms licence. The NSW Police Force undertakes the issuing and policing of firearms licences and permits, and there is...
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