Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 14 to 20 October 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
“Killed, and for What End?”: Tasnim Sammak on Marking October 7th for Palestine
Australian politicians and mainstream media are attempting to demonise the October 7 vigils as “celebrations”, but the fact is they were sombre events mourning the loss of life.
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Serious Domestic Abuse Prevention Orders in New South Wales
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NSW Guideline Judgment on Drug Importation Struck Down by High Court of Australia
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NSW Bar Association Reports Dramatic Spike in Complaints Against Barristers
The recently-released annual report suggests a 43% increase in complaints against barristers compared with the previous year.
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Making “Australia a Global Nuclear Waste Dump”: Senator Shoebridge on Labor’s Latest Betrayal
The Albanese government has passed laws which could allow the US and UK to use our nation as a nuclear waste dump.
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Proposed Federal Cyber Security Act: A Necessity or an Unjustified Intrusion?
The government claims the laws will help combat cyber threats, but many see them as just another mechanism of control at the expense of free expression and privacy.
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Drug Seizures May Suggest a Drug War Victory – But the Reality is Very Different
Police are once again gloating about a drug raid, but the fact is the war on drugs is lost, and that moving towards a regulated market is far more beneficial to the community.
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National Anti-Corruption Commission Hearings Will Continue to Be Held in Secret
The major parties have rejected a law which would have opened the federal corruption watchdog’s hearings to the public when in the public interest to do so.
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Crime, Corruption and Coercion Rife Within the Australian Border Force
The federal body responsible for protecting our nation’s borders is infested with systemic corruption, crime and misconduct.
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Neo-Nazis Mobilisations Are Becoming Normalised on Australian Streets
Neo-Nazi groups are now taking their hateful, divisive and potentially violence-inciting campaigns to towns in regional New South Wales.
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New South Wales Police Accused of Racial Profiling Students
Footage of a protest at Western Sydney University shows police targeting a Black and Lebanese student, despite their conduct being no different to the many others.
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New South Wales Parliament Passes Greatly Diluted LGBTIQA+ Equality Laws
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Civil Liberties Groups Condemn NSW Government’s Further Encroachment on Right to Protest
“The premier has gone too far” by suggesting police be given the power to stop protests if organisers are unable to pay the policing costs.
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Moving Away from War Against Drugs Brings Enormous Benefits
Nations that have moved towards a regulated drug market have seen enormous economic, social and health benefits.
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