Drug Driving

Drug Driving in NSW: Lawful Cannabis Use and Honest Mistake Are No Defence

The medicinal cannabis industry in Australia was long criticised for its slow laborious movement towards accessible product. However, over recent years, the snail pace has developed into a gallop, as the nation, it was announced in January, has now one...

Former NSW Magistrate David Heilpern Condemns Absolute Liability Drug Driving Ruling

Right now, the New South Wales drug driving laws that facilitate police roadside drug testing are unjust, and, over the last decade, when this open secret has been raised in parliament, conservative MPs feign a lack of understanding regarding the...

Criminal Charges Against Cannabis Campaigners Dropped, Despite Police Attempts to Convict

Cannabis legalisation campaign Who Are We Hurting activists, Alec Zammit and Will Stolk projected dancing cannabis leaves onto the Sydney Opera House at 4.20 am on 20 April 2022, as a cheeky stunt, much like others they’ve conducted in the past,...

Report Reveals that NSW Drink Driving Laws Work, Whilst Drug Driving Remains a Joke

A just released report advises that reforms to New South Wales drink- and drug-driving laws, which have seen penalty notices, triggering licence suspensions and fines, issued to first-time low-level drink drivers and drivers with the presence of drugs in their...

Teen Sentenced to Imprisonment for Aggravated Dangerous Driving Occasioning Death

The teenage driver who caused the death of five friends when he crashed his ute into a tree while travelling at double the speed limit in Buxton in September 2022, has been sentenced to a full term of 12 years...

Traffic Offender Programs in New South Wales

Traffic Offender Programs in New South Wales (TOPs) are education programs that are generally undertaken by drivers who have been charged with a ‘major traffic offence’ such as driving with a prescribed concentration of alcohol (or drink driving) or driving...

Your Guide To New South Wales LSD (‘Acid’) Laws

Lysergic acid diethylamide, which is also known as LSD or ‘acid’, was the ultimate psychedelic of 1960s counterculture, epitomising the credo of “turn on, tune in, drop out”. However, supplying or even possessing the drug in New South Wales could...

Your Guide To New South Wales MDMA (‘Ecstacy’) Laws

The substance known scientifically as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is commonly known as MDMA or ‘ecstasy’. The drug has been around for decades, and remains a popular party drug, particularly amongst young adults. According to the latest national statistics  12.5% of Australians have...

“I Hope It’s Overturned”: Former Magistrate Heilpern on Revoking of Drug Driving Mistake Defence

The drug driving regime in this state, as in the rest of the country, has always been controversial, as the testing model used, which ultimately sees people charged and lose their driver licence, doesn’t test for impairment levels, like drink...

Your Guide to New South Wales Methamphetamine (“Ice”) Laws

Crystal methamphetamine (“meth” or “ice) remains a popular recreational drug in Australia amongst a small but persistent group of users. According to the latest national statistics just under 6% of Australians have used methamphetamine in their lifetime and 1.3% have...
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