Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 10 to 16 June 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
The Law, Defences, and Penalties for Possessing a Gel Blaster in Australia
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Historical Sexual Assault: The Laws at the Time of the Alleged Conduct Apply
A woman sent to prison for having sexual intercourse with her 10 year old student in 1977 has had her conviction quashed, as the conduct wasn’t a crime at the time.
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Labor Ministers Grizzle Over Spray Painted Offices, as Sea of Palestinian Blood Is Spilt
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A Nasty Little Labor-led Nation Is Ramping Up Deportations, or Is It?
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The Drug Offenders Program: Shane Prince SC and Jim Finnane on Early Intervention
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Thorpe Calls for Human Rights Act, With Inclusion of Self-Determining Indigenous Rights
The Senator who was on the committee that recommended a federal human rights act asserts that the right to Indigenous self-determination must be included.
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The NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission: A Toothless Police Watchdog
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Legalising and Regulating Cocaine Would Be a Sensible Lifesaving Reform
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Calling Australia Racist Is Forbidden, Yet Racialised Politicking Is Its Mainstay
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Jarryd Hayne’s Successful Appeal: The Reasons for the Result
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong, Newcastle or Sutherland.