Top 10 Unusual Inquiries to Sydney Criminal Lawyers® of 2016, so far…

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At Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, we get all sorts of email and inbox inquiries at all times of the day and night.

Some inquiries have a great deal of information and attached material to consider, others are short and to the point. We are regularly asked to answer essay-style assignment questions for university students, and to engage in a range of unethical, and even illegal conduct.

In this day and age, law firms who put themselves out there on the internet and social media must be prepared to invest the time and resources required to meet expectations, fast and around the clock.

Our team tries to respond as quickly as possible, and help as best we can, and while we appreciate all inquiries, some are just out of our sphere of expertise.

Here are our top ten unusual short inquiries of 2016, so far:

10. (4.14am) I would like to introduce myself.

9. If I invest in your country, what can you guarantee for me?

8. I woz just stopped by the cops have I got a case?

7. It’s illegal to use a legal name, google it if you have a heart.

6. I’m not sure if I understand, do you represent criminals or you represent in winning against criminals for justice…if so, the second question is my concern… thank you and enjoy your day.

5. (2.48am): Please contact me urgently.

(SCL 2.52am): Hi [name withheld]. What is your number and how can we help you?

(3.11am): I need you to marry me so that I can live in Australia.

4. Can you get me out of this 0.7 past the line and 1.4 sec across over to the other side. Within the speed limit, Kids driving me mad in the car.

3. Not so much elephant in the room as annoyed at the intrusion and harassment perpetrated by these high-ranking people and their stooges (and there are many of those).

2. I am interested in opening up my own brothels can I have an application sent to my house please.

1. Hi, thanks for the informed article, could you help me by letting me know if it would be legal to carry a garlic?

SCL: Yes [name withheld], it is legal to carry a garlic.

Honorable mentions:

  • (3.42am) Hi. (SCL 3.48am) Hi, how can we help you? (no further response)
  • I will only make one request to have your police blog removed before I take this matter to the Police Association with a view to enacting legal proceedings.
  • Fuck yoooooz layers are cuntz!!!

All inquiries are happily answered (yes, even the general comments about ‘layers’).

Remember, we’re here to help with criminal and traffic law inquiries in any way we can, and if you are going to court, you can call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to book a free first appointment at our offices or over the phone at a time that best suits you.

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers® is Australia's Leading Criminal Defence firm, Delivering Outstanding Results in all Criminal and Traffic Law cases. Going to Court? Call (02) 9261 8881 for a Free Consultation.

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