Amy Sarcevic

Amy Sarcevic
Amy Sarcevic is a freelance media, blog, technical and copy writer. She has written for a range of reputable publications in addition to Sydney Criminal Lawyers.

Abusive Aged Care Workers May be Criminally Prosecuted

Elderly residents in Australia have been robbed, assaulted, drugged and force-fed by aged care workers, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has heard. Revelations made by Queensland Health Ombudsman, Andrew Brown, have come just a week after...

Commonwealth Bank to be Criminally Prosecuted

Last week, Australia’s largest bank, CBA, made headlines when it became the first major bank in the country to be charged with criminal offences after the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (the RC)....

Mainstream Media Finally Stands Up!

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After being targeted by the recent AFP press raids, journalists and media organisations are finally standing up against years of laws which - while passed under the guise of protecting against terrorism - are actually being used to silence critics...

Silencing Journalists Threatens Democracy: An Interview with Award-Winning Journalist Peter Greste

Prior to the 9/11 terrorist attack, there was only one specific piece of anti-terrorism legislation in Australia – a local law in the Northern Territory. Now, there are a staggering 82, with five more currently being considered by parliaments. As...

Punishment vs Rehabilitation in the Criminal Justice System

John has had a busy week fishing, looking after horses, and pruning his fresh crop of vegetables, so he’s quite pleased to retire to his room alone, and watch some television before bed. Without context you’d assume John was an...

How Cognitive Bias Can Lead to Wrongful Convictions

How many of us have watched reports of high-profile cases on the news and, when the suspect is found guilty, declared that we “knew all along”? Or been concerned about walking down a dark alleyway, but not given a second...

The Penalties for Possessing Cocaine in NSW

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“It’s just a bit of fun, I’m not hurting anyone. Everyone does it. It’s better than getting out of control on alcohol.” Indeed, the use of cocaine - a drug once used in soft drinks like Coca-Cola – is prevalent...

Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System

17-year old Stephen Downing had learning difficulties and a reading age of 11. After nine hours of intense police interrogation, he eventually confessed to the murder of a 32-year old legal secretary. There was just one small problem: he didn’t...

The Importance of Appearance Inside the Courtroom

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It’s your day in court and you’re dressed in your best, looking “sharp as a tack”. Your new slick hairdo and designer suit make for a “social-media-worthy” ensemble – but you’d be forgiven for not wanting to capture the day...

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