Ugur Nedim

Ugur Nedim
Ugur Nedim is an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist with 25 years of experience as a Criminal Defence Lawyer. He is the Principal of Sydney Criminal Lawyers®.

The Criminal Offence of Hindering an Investigation in NSW

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A New South Wales woman pleaded guilty to criminal charges following a vehicle collision at Yanco near Leeton in the Riverina region of New South Wales on 4 April 2023, which resulted in the death of a mother and her...

Can I Get a Harsher Penalty if I Appeal a Decision in NSW?

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If you’re disappointed by an outcome of a criminal case in court, or you’ve received a hefty penalty notice for a traffic or minor criminal offence, you may be tempted to appeal a decision or, in the case of a...

What Happens if I Breach an Apprehended Violence Order in New South Wales?

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A Tasmanian Supreme Court judge is facing criminal charges over allegations he contravened an apprehended violence order  on three separate occasions while he was in New South Wales. The back story 62-year old Justice Gregory Geason pleaded not guilty in...

Producing Child Abuse Material Using AI Can Amount to a Criminal Offence

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The Australian media made international headlines this week, with Channel Nine being front and centre of the debate about AI generated images. The story goes like this: Channel Nine sourced an image of Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell and...

Ticket Scalping Laws in NSW: Offences of Profiting from the Resale of Event Tickets

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Reports have surfaced this week that unsuspecting Taylor Swift fans have lost around $135,000 recently to concert ticket scams.  Social media accounts hacked The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC’s) Scamwatch has received at least 273 reports relating to  across...

Can My Employer Spy on Me at Work?

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In August 2023, the story of a New South Wales woman who worked from home and was fired from her job of 18 years made media headlines and triggered debate about the use of surveillance in the workplace. Suzie Cheiko...

Traffic Offences Relating to Not Wearing a Seatbelt in New South Wales

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At the end of 2023, the New South Wales Government announced that existing mobile and fixed speed cameras across the state would soon be able to detect whether drivers and passengers are wearing seatbelts and increasing enforcement measures for the offence...

Criminal Offences Relating to Terrorist Organisations, Declared Areas and Foreign Fighting

Federal Attorney- General Mark Dreyfus informed the public during a press conference on 28 December 2023 that two Australian citizens were killed during an air strike in Southern Lebanon the previous night. The nation’s chief lawyer added that the listed...

What is a Quashed Conviction in Criminal Law?

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The woman who spent 20 years in prison over the deaths of her infant children has finally had her convictions for the offences of murder and manslaughter quashed by the highest criminal court in the state, the New South Wales...

The Right to Silence in New South Wales

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Unlike in the United States, there is no constitutional protection for the right to silence in Australia. Rather, the fundamental centuries-old democratic principle that a person’s silence cannot be used against them at a later time has developed through ‘common...
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