Terrorism Charges

The Refusal of Authorities to Identify White Supremacist Terrorism Will Only Compound It

Many have remarked on the number of stabbings in NSW of late and wondered why that might be. Of course, one reason could be that our government’s support of the Israeli-perpetrated Gaza genocide, conveys a message that violence is okay...

White Supremacist Stabs Man in Sydney, But Terrorism Police Stumped as to His Ideology

White supremacist Brenton Tarrant, an Anglo Australian man from the NSW town of Grafton, walks into two mosques in Christchurch in March 2019 and guns down 51 Muslim worshippers. The killer produced a far-right manifesto. He had links to Australian...

White Man Terrorism Isn’t So Terrifying, as Far-Right Plan to Behead Labor MP Ignored

A 19-year old Anglo Australian male briefly entered Newcastle Labor MP Tim Crakanthorp’s office dressed in a military-style outfit and armed with a knife on Wednesday afternoon, with the intent to behead the parliamentarian as part of a self-confessed politically-motivated...

Zionist Who Planted Bomb on Pro-Palestinian’s Vehicle Could Soon be Released

A man who left a homemade bomb on a ute in the driveway of a Botany home in January, with a note attached threatening reprisal if the resident did not remove a Palestinian flag hanging out the front of his...

Systemic Criminal Justice Bias Sees Only Muslim Crime Designated as Terrorism

In the wake of two mid-April Sydney stabbings that garnered intense public attention, not only due to the violence involved, but also the subsequent divergent manner in which the NSW Police Force and, indeed, politicians and intelligence agencies, have approached...

Demonising Sydney’s Muslim Communities, Yet Again, Is All About the Gaza Optics

The fact that Israel has been able to perpetrate a seven-month-long genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza, while western powers have watched on in support, has destroyed all notions that humanity, or for that matter, the enlightened west, has moved...

Police Are Quick to Label Muslim Teens as Terrorists, But the Same Doesn’t Apply to Others

The Alliance of Australian Muslims released a 26 April statement about the recent terror raids in Sydney, which were sparked by a 16-year-old Muslim boy stabbing a priest and led to six more Muslim teenagers being charged with terrorism for...

Manufacturing Terrorists: Fabricating Domestic Threats to Justify Foreign Policy

Domestic terrorism and a mounting scare campaign about it has hit our TV screens over the last fortnight or so, as a 16-year-old Muslim boy who stabbed a priest was branded a terrorist by NSW police, and the force then...

A Tale of Two Failed Approaches to Violence: That Toward Women and Terrorism

The fear of terrorism offences has played a prominent role in the Australian psyche since the early 2000s. And a complicated set of laws has since been enacted to combat a particular type of crime, and this bipartisan project has...

The NSW Police Powers Unlocked by the Commissioner’s Terrorism Designation

A panic over terrorism has hit New South Wales, following a recent mass murder and another nonfatal stabbing incident in this state. NSW police commissioner Karen Webb determined that the nonlethal knife crime was an act of terrorism under the...
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