Iron Boy Saves Sydney!

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Iron man

Evil forces have been causing havoc in Sydney – but they have met their match with the NSW Police Force’s new secret weapon.

At around 9am on Thursday morning, nine-year-old Domenic Pace received a call from senior police requesting his urgent assistance to help rescue Make-A-Wish Foundation’s reporter, Hope Joy. When asked by Assistant Commissioner Mal Lanyon if he was prepared to save the day as “Iron Boy”, Domenic nodded and leapt into action like a true superhero.

Domenic was helicoptered to NSW Police Headquarters in Parramatta where he could transform into “Iron Boy”. After getting into his special armoured suite, Domenic was whisked away by Rigid Hull inflatable boats at high speed, just in time to battle his arch nemesis, “Ultron”, and the villainous henchmen who had abducted Ms Joy – holding the terrified reporter at their secret lair.

Crowds had gathered with posters proclaiming “We love Iron Boy!” when Domenic finally reached the CBD. He was joined by his twelve-year-old brother, Joseph, who had also been transformed into Iron Boy’s sidekick, “War Machine”, for the epic fight against Ultron, which ended on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.

Shortly after his successful rescue operation, the NSW Police Commissioner expressed his gratitude and commended Domenic on his bravery, acknowledging his efforts with a Commissioner’s Award for Gallantry.

“On behalf of a grateful Police Force and indeed the people of Sydney, I would like to thank Domenic for his tremendous efforts today,” Commissioner Andrew Scipione said.

Referring to Domenic’s courageous, ongoing battle with Cystic Fibrosis, Commissioner Scipione said, “It can’t be easy dealing with an illness like his and we feel privileged to be able to work with Make-A-Wish Australia to ensure his wish to be a famous superhero came true.”

But the highest praise came from Robert Downey Jr, who had also transformed into Tony Stark aka Iron Man, to send Domenic on his mission. He took to Twitter to wish Domenic well in his quest to defeat evil forces.

“Sent a very special boy on a top secret mission today. Go get ‘em, Domenic!”

Later, Robert Downey Jr, released a YouTube video as Tony Stark, where he made Domenic’s fantasy wish official.

“I’m making you an honorary member of the Avengers,” he said.

“Because Iron Man loves you.”

Domenic’s mother says her son has always loved Iron Man.

“From a young age he would only answer to Tony,” she told the ABC.

“He was a very caring child, more interested in helping children and other people than playing toys.

“He always wanted to know what was going on around him in the world and how he could help others.”

Good on you Domenic for saving the day and keeping our city safe!

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