Man Refused Compensation Despite Nearly Dying Due to COVID-19 Vaccine

A Queensland man who suffered a heart injury almost died three times after a single dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection is not only barred from seeking compensation from the company due to protections for pharmaceutical companies put into place by government, but has been refused compensation through the vaccine claims scheme because while his injury is a known side-effect of other Covid-vaccines, it is not recognised as such for the AstraZeneca jab.
Extremely fit and healthy to near death and in vegetative state
Prior to having a Covid-19 injection, 55-year old mine worker and father of four Mark Briggs was ‘extremely fit and healthy’. He had regular medical check-ups and had never had a heart condition.
But just a week after being given the injection, Mark was diagnosed the heart conditions pericarditis and myocarditis, spending three months in hospital in a vegetative state and nearly dying three times.
Mark’s specialist, cardiologist Dr Paul Bartley, later submitted a report to the Therapeutic Goods Administration asserting that his myocarditis was ‘almost certainly a consequence of his AstraZeneca COVID vaccine’.
No compensation
But while Mark’s injury is a known side effect of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, it has not been recognised as such for the AstraZeneca jab.
For that reason, Mark is not only prevented from suing AstraZeneca but has also been refused assistance through the Government’s vaccine injury compensation scheme.
According to the Federal Department of Health, the ‘evidence suggests that “AstraZeneca and Novavax are probably associated with a small increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis”, and also recognises that it may be linked to the Moderna vaccine, there is no such formal recognition for the Astrazeneca injection.
This is despite the Department’s own website stating there may be such a link.
Unable to work
As a result of his condition, Mark is unable to return to work and the family is out of pocket about $300,000.
They were hoping to be able to claim compensation through the Federal Government’s compensation scheme for adverse Covid-19 reactions – but like so many others, they have been left wanting.
The shortfalls of the Federal Compensation Scheme
The Federal Government’s Covid-19 Claims Scheme, which was implemented as part of a plan to assure Australians they would be protected from any severe adverse side effects from largely untested Covid vaccines that were widely promoted as safe, has been heavily criticised.
It’s been condemned, not just for the long waiting times, the arduous paperwork and evidence and verification required for victims to ‘prove’ their cases, but the paltry financial settlements that are not given generously or freely.
For far too long Covid Vaccination Injury Victims have been ignored.
In fact, research from Coverse (an organisation set up to highlight vaccine injury) suggests the majority of Australians harmed by the Covid vaccines get zero support from government or employers, and two-thirds of those who were mandated have not been given support via workers’ compensation.
Where else are these people to turn?
Protecting Big Pharma, ignoring victims
This is not just happening in Australia – Governments around the world have protected Big Pharma, and are now using a multitude of tactics to duck for cover when it comes to taking responsibility for those who are living with debilitating health conditions as a result of adverse reactions.
There’s been groundswell on social media lately relating to a newly disclosed contract between Pfizer and the Republic of South Africa government which revealed that as of of March 30, 2021, months after the public rollout of its Covid vaccine in the United States and United Kingdom, Pfizer admitted:
- Its vaccine was still being studied.
- Long-term effects of the vaccine were not known.
- Efficacy of the vaccine was not known.
- Possible adverse effects of the vaccine were not known.
The South African government agreed to purchase the Pfizer vaccine despite all of the above.
In 2021, there were also published concerns in The British Medical Journal’s article about serious issues with Pfizer’s Covid vaccine safety trials, including the falsification of data.
Pfizer became available in Australia in July the same year. Currently, the Government HealthDirect website says: Pfizer Original, Moderna Original and AstraZeneca Vaxzevria vaccines are no longer available in Australia. However, during the vaccine rollout Pfizer was widely promoted as the most suitable vaccine for most age groups.
Despite this, and despite an increasing number of people signing up to the class action, having exhausted their limited access to, or run out of patience with the Federal Government Compensation Scheme, governments and medical regulators around the world maintain a ‘pro-vaccination’ stance.
Governments continue to ignore victims
A statement of the TGA website says that “as for all medicines, the more people who receive a vaccine, the more likely it is that extremely rare but potentially serious side effects will be detected. In many cases, these rare medical events (e.g. myocarditis) can also be caused by SARS-CoV-2 itself in non-vaccinated people at a higher frequency and with greater severity than after vaccination.”
These kinds of blanket statements are in themselves not helpful, particularly if there appears to be emerging evidence to the contrary. It’s early days – originally many people who reported adverse effects or vaccine injury were almost branded hypochondriac, ostracized or shut down. However, as time goes on more and more people are beginning to feel comfortable telling their stories.
Their anger at being hoodwinked by governments and other authorities which encouraged them to be vaccinated as a ‘civil duty’ or used coercive tactics such as restricted freedoms, and mandates, including ‘no jab, no job’ in some industries, is understandably, palpable.
What is concerning to some medical professionals is the high tolerance, globally, for adverse reactions to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. According to statistics from the World Health Organisation, Tetanus vaccines, which have been available and administered since 1968, have had just over 15,000 adverse reactions. Polio vaccines have also been available since the same year, 1968, and have had just a little more than 123,000 adverse reactions.
So far, Covid-19 mRNA vaccines globally have reported much higher numbers – potentially in the millions. Total figures in Australia are hard to pin down with any accuracy, but according to the TGA, reporting of adverse effects is 2 per 1,000 doses.
Wilful blindness?
Australians deserve so much better than what appears to be a ‘wilful blindness’ to adverse effects and injury from Covid-19 vaccines. Questions are now being raised about the increasing number of heart conditions – in Victoria Cardiac Arrest events are now officially at their highest ever recorded level. Questions are also being asked about the excess death rate, which some experts suggest is higher than it should be post-pandemic, and needs to be explored further.
Hopefully the Federal Government’s recently announced Covid Inquiry will do the right thing and explore these aspects of the pandemic in more detail, enabling victims to finally get the assistance and acknowledgement they need.