“Mary’s Tears for Gaza”: Photos of Sydney Rallying for Free Palestine on Christmas

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Tears for Palestine on Christmas

The message was clear in Hyde Park North on the Saturday just prior to Christmas, as whilst the rest of the crowds in the Sydney CBD were out doing their shopping, the bombs were still dropping upon the 2 million Palestinians of Gaza; an act of genocide perpetrated by the Netanyahu government.

And the same thing happened as every other weekend going back ten now, as right when the weekly rally for a free Palestine was kicking off, the park on Gadigal land flooded with pro-Palestinian protesters despite the festive season being right upon us.

The death toll, now over 20,000 Palestinians, is starting to set new deadly milestones, while the practice of killing civilians, children, healthcare workers and journalists is being normalised, as not only are politicians watching on, but the mainstream media hasn’t called out this aberration.

The churches in Bethlehem have cancelled Christmas festivities this year. Israeli forces recently targeted a Sisters of Mother Teresa convent in Gaza that was a centre for youths with disabilities.

And Sydney pro-Palestinian ralliers are continuing to condemn the positions taken by Anthony Albanese, Penny Wong and Chris Minns.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground at the Palestine Action Group rally, where it was made clear that from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

The messaging regarding the PM was spot on
The messaging regarding the PM was spot on
Freedom for Palestine, freedom for Gaza
Freedom for Palestine, freedom for Gaza
River to the sea
River to the sea
The rallies continue
The rallies continue
Christmas is cancelled in Bethlehem
Christmas is cancelled in Bethlehem
Strong Jewish turnout condemns the Zionist project
Strong Jewish turnout condemns the Zionist project
Western politicians can no longer lead, with their lack of moral compass laid bare
Western politicians can no longer lead, with their lack of moral compass laid bare
A prayer before protest
A prayer before protest
A formidable crowd at this time of year speaks volumes
A formidable crowd at this time of year speaks volumes
There’s been a lot of talk about Israel targeting churches in Gaza. And there’s been a lot of talk about the lack of noise coming from Australian churches
There’s been a lot of talk about Israel targeting churches in Gaza. And there’s been a lot of talk about the lack of noise coming from Australian churches

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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