Unfinished Business: Invasion Day 2024 in Photos

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Land rights

Standing at the top of Broadway beside Victoria, or Isabel Coe, Park and looking back toward Central, the Invasion Day march rolled all the way up the main western thoroughfare that leads into the city centre, and this crowd, that only gets bigger each year, was raising issues still pending.

“There is unfinished business. This is about land rights, restitution, justice and liberation,” Gomeroi activist Gwenda Stanley made clear. She and a number of others were providing strong representation on Gadigal on Friday, from the 42-year-strong Aboriginal Tent Embassy.

Despite the overwhelming temperatures, there was a massive turnout conveying its own heat to those in Sydney, to those politicking in Canberra and to the wider global community that the referendum debacle has left land rights, sovereignty, treaty and reparations unaddressed.

“Twenty twenty-four is a very peculiar year for our mob, we have just come through a referendum process, which sought to recognise our people in the ailing constitution,” said social justice activist and writer Lynda-June Coe. “I belong to Wiradjuri. I have my own constitution.”

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground at the Invasion Day rally in Belmore Park on 26 January, with tens of thousands of others.

Gomeroi woman Gwenda Stanley continues to keep unfinished business on the agenda
Gomeroi woman Gwenda Stanley continues to keep unfinished business on the agenda
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Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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