What Are The Rules for Visitors To Oberon Correctional Centre?

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Visit prisoner

Oberon Correctional Centre, located in the central west of NSW near Bathurst, is a minimum security facility for young male offenders.

As with all correctional centres in NSW, there are set visiting hours and restrictions around how many visitors are allowed to attend, and what you can and can’t bring with you.

Before you visit your friend or family member at Oberon Correctional Centre, it is a good idea to phone and check they haven’t been transferred to another centre.

This can happen without warning, and NSW Corrective Services has no responsibility for informing family members of their relative’s transfer.

Make sure you call on the day you plan to visit, to avoid making an unnecessary journey that could end in disappointment.

What are the visiting hours at Oberon Correctional Centre?

Visiting is only available on the weekends, as inmates work during the week on a number of different projects at the centre, and in the surrounding community.

The set visiting hours are 8.30am – 2.45pm on weekends and public holidays, if approved. You will need to call ahead and book your visit in advance.

What should I wear?

If you are dressed inappropriately, you may be refused entry to the correctional centre.

Make sure you avoid any revealing or see-through clothing, and don’t wear anything that obscures your face.

What can I bring with me?

As Oberon is a minimum security facility, there are fewer restrictions than there would be if you were visiting an inmate at a maximum security facility.

If it is your first visit, you will be required to show two forms of identification so make sure you bring those.

Prohibited items include screw top bottles, alcohol, illicit drugs, mobile phones and cameras, pets and thermos flasks.

As a general guide, it is probably best to bring as little as possible.

You will not be allowed to take prams in to the visiting area, but there may be prams available to borrow.

You are allowed to bring one jar of baby food with you.

There will be vending machines with food and drinks, so make sure you bring some coins.

What if I need to take medication during my visit?

You won’t be allowed to take medication into the visit area.

If you will need to take medication during your visit you will need to apply for special medical consideration and fill out a form.

Once this has been approved, you will be allowed to leave the visiting area to take your medication, which must be stored in a locker or kept in your car.

Make sure you keep your approval for special medical consideration with you when you are at the correctional centre, and bring your medication in its original packaging with your name on the label along with a copy of your prescription.

How many people can visit at once?

Visits to Oberon Correctional Centre are restricted to no more than four adults at a time, and a manageable number of children.

If a particular inmate has a large number of visitors, visit times may be reduced so that everyone can be accommodated.

Regular contact with friends and family can make a big difference to the emotional health of inmates at any correctional centre.

A bit of preparation and planning can help make your visits to Oberon Correctional Centre as enjoyable and smooth as possible for everyone.

If you would like to have an experienced criminal lawyer attend Oberon Correctional Centre to assist your loved-one, you can call a respected criminal law firm like Sydney Criminal Lawyers® to assist.

You may wish to ask about a ‘fixed fee’ for the jail visit and for any work that needs to be done thereafter.

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Ugur Nedim

Ugur Nedim

Ugur Nedim is an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist with 26 years of experience as a Criminal Defence Lawyer. He is the Principal of Sydney Criminal Lawyers®.

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