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Domestic Violence

New NSW Police Commissioner: All Talk, No Action

There is mounting pressure on newly appointed NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb to make good on her promises to reform the culture of unaccountability and lack of transparency within the force, including changes to support victims of domestic violence offences....

NSW Police Needs Greater Transparency Around Domestic Violence, Says DVNSW’s Renata Field

Currently, there are at least six senior police officers, who’ve recently been found guilty of serious domestic violence offences, yet they’re continuing to serve on the NSW Police Force. Indeed, over 2018-21, 56 officers were charged with domestic violence offences and...

NSW Police Officers Keep Their Jobs Despite Having Domestic Violence Convictions

Newly appointed New South Wales Police Commissioner, Karen Webb, has faced significant criticism of the NSW Police Force’s ability - or, rather, inability – to respond promptly, fairly and properly to cases of domestic violence. Now, that criticism has been...

Will the Death of Hannah Clarke and Her Children Bring Real Change?

Last week, the Coronial Inquest into the death of Hannah Clarke and her three children - who burned to death after her estranged husband set the family car alight before killing himself was finalised after 9 days of hearings in...

NSW Set to Criminalise Coercive Control

The New South Wales Government will soon begin drafting legislation aimed at criminalising coercive control.  The new laws will create a standalone criminal offence for coercive control, in an attempt to deter such conduct and make it clear that such...

The Impact of Lockdowns on Australia’s Youth

Social isolation resulting from lockdowns, a lack of hope for the future and fear of the virus are fuelling anxiety and depression among Australian children and teenagers at alarming rates. Mental Health problems in young people The Royal Australian and...

‘Litany of Errors’ Enabled Man to Kill His Children, Coroner Finds

‘Systemic failures’ by the NSW Police, the Family Court System and the Firearms Registry cost two teenagers their lives in 2018 – deaths that the NSW Coroner has found were entirely ‘preventable.’ Jack Edwards aged 15, and his sister Jennifer,...

Domestic Violence Workers Plead for Adequate Funding

Frontline and support workers are pleading for government to provide sufficient funding for domestic violence services, after reporting the ‘worst year on record’ for family violence. Around the globe, domestic violence cases spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns last year...

2020: ‘Worst Year’ for Domestic Violence Offences

When lockdowns hit around the world earlier this year, most people were concerned about their jobs, worried about how to homeschool the kids, stressed about pasta and toilet paper shortages, and the absence of friends and families, along with all...

A “Shadow Pandemic”: COVID Leads to Rise in Domestic Violence Offences

Since the start of the pandemic, concerns have been raised that a combination of household isolation due to lockdowns as well as work and financial stress could lead to a wave of domestic violence offences not just in our state,...
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