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Child Sex Offences

AI Generated Images Are Being Used To Catch Online Sexual Predators

The recent released  film The Artifice Girl depicts the use of a fictitious child generated by artificial intelligence (AI) to lure and trap online child sexual predators. Whilst many features of the film are purely science fiction, police in Australia will often...

Is It a Crime to Lie About Your Age for Sex?

Getting older isn’t easy, particularly when it narrows your prospects in the dating game. It’s understandable that many are tempted to sneakily lower their age on Tinder or to tell a little white lie on a date, particularly if there’s...

Can Children Be Placed on The Child Sex Offender Register

Sexual offences against children are considered as some of the most serious criminal offences in our state, creating public outrage and leading to calls for not only heavy punishments, but mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of future offending. That being...

The Shameful History Of Calling LGBT People “Groomers”

A recent trend in conservative politics, particularly online, involves accusing LGBT people of “grooming” children - either into a particular sexual identity or to facilitate abuse. A strange focal point for this politics has been drag queens, female impersonators (often...

Bizarre Australian Criminal Cases: The Simpsons Porn Case

There are many bizarre cases that form part of Australian legal history, but perhaps none more vexing when it comes to balancing the often competing considerations of free speech on the one hand, and protecting the innocent on the other,...

Are ‘Recovered’ Memories of Childhood Abuse Reliable?

In the 1970s, a Canadian woman named Michelle Smith sought psychiatric treatment for depression following a miscarriage. Her psychiatrist, Lawrence Pazder, felt that her symptoms indicated early experiences of child sexual abuse, and he then used hypnosis to help “recover”...

Peter Hollingworth to Face Secret Hearing for Allegedly Enabling Child Sexual Abuse

Former Governor General Peter Hollingworth is facing an internal tribunal hearing held behind closed doors within the Anglican Church - to determine whether he should be defrocked over his alleged role in covering up child sexual abuse within the church. ...

The Criminal Offence of Human Trafficking

Right from under the noses of the British Home Office, hundreds of child refugees, seeking asylum in the United Kingdom, are being abducted and trafficked for all sorts of reasons. The British Home Office has been repeatedly cautioned by a...

Offences Relating to Children Accessing or Being Shown Pornographic Material

Many people assume that once a person reaches the age of consent, they are free to pursue any (lawful) kind of sexual activity they wish, including participating in and/or accessing or being exposed to pornography. However, this is not necessarily...

Pell’s Passing Marks Justice Unserved and Exposes the Power of a Corrupt Church

The 10 January death of George Pell left many with a bad taste in their mouths. A former archbishop of both the Melbourne and Sydney archdioceses, Pell represented to many, the corrupting effect of power and the ability it gives...
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