High Times in the Land of Smiles: Some Snaps

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Thailand Cannabis

The Thai government removed the entire cannabis plant from its scheduling as a narcotic in early 2022, which meant that, as of June, the plant has been legal. And a proliferation of licenced farms cultivating it and retail outlets selling the product have sprung up.

From a western perspective, a bizarre aspect to all this is the government is yet to even pass its main regulatory bill on the cannabis industry and nor has it commenced taxing product.

Indeed, Thai authorities seem to be allowing the marketplace to find its own legs before placing regulations upon it.

But there are some restrictions in place already, such as smoking in public being banned with serious penalties applying, and similar to traditional Thai medicines, cannabis cannot be sold to those under 20 and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The dying breed of cannabis detractors that continue to haunt the Australian setting should pay a visit to the Land of Smiles right now to witness the impact legal weed is having, as the streets aren’t filled with crazed stoners causing havoc. In fact, there is no discernible difference out in public.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers recently toured dozens of Thai cannabis outlets across the country to gain an understanding of the scene. And one useful tip for anyone planning to do the same is that no one in the Southeast Asian country is mixing the green with tobacco. It’s straight ganja joints only.

A happy high
A happy high

An array of strains on offer at Koh Samui’s Cannabis Kingdom
An array of strains on offer at Koh Samui’s Cannabis Kingdom

Rolled to order instore is a common service on offer
Rolled to order instore is a common service on offer

Smoking in public is strictly prohibited via threat of prison time and/or fine, so some venues offer a safe area to partake
Smoking in public is strictly prohibited via threat of prison time and/or fine, so some venues offer a safe area to partake

A menu of strains one store has on offer
A menu of strains one store has on offer

The sticky dank gear
The sticky dank gear

Ganja on sale in the marketplace at 50 baht a plant or around two Australian dollars.
Ganja on sale in the marketplace at 50 baht a plant or around two Australian dollars.

Giving the finger to prohibition
Giving the finger to prohibition

The regulations that do apply to sales
The regulations that do apply to sales

Mae Sot is a regional town in the west of the country. You might call it “the sticks”. But if you’re ever in need out that way, there is one cannabis retailer in town.
Mae Sot is a regional town in the west of the country. You might call it “the sticks”. But if you’re ever in need out that way, there is one cannabis retailer in town.

One quiet moment  
One quiet moment  

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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