Sydney Criminal Lawyers Website Incorporates Artificial Intelligence

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Information on this page was reviewed by a specialist defence lawyer before being published. Click to read more.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise the way we search for, and the speed by which we obtain, targeted information, as well as the way programs and a range of images, videos and other materials are generated, education is delivered and dealt with,  businesses operate, and employers and employees perform their work.

And while there are concerns about the technology making jobs redundant and even destroying businesses and industries, it’s important to bear in mind the same was said of machines during the early stages of the Industrial age and, indeed,  the early stages of the internet – but society adapted.

Embracing technology

One thing seems certain: those who embrace AI technology and utilise its enormous potential are set to benefit in the longer term, whether through the provision of improved services by trades and professions to customers and clients, the efficient production and distribution of goods by both online and traditional businesses, the creation of innovative new ways to complete previously time-consuming tasks or the invention of completely new areas of business.

AI is in its relative infancy in terms of practical application, but the technology is growing exponentially – with each new generation opening exciting new opportunities for innovation. So rapid is its development that it seems a fresh and improved generation is introduced almost every month; far more powerful, accurate and user-friendly than the previous.

A leader in innovation

Sydney Criminal Lawyers has been an innovator in the legal profession for more than two decades, introducing our first website back in 2001 when very few law firms in Australia saw the benefits, being the first law firm in the nation to publish fixed fees in criminal and traffic cases in 2004, embracing the potential of social media in 2009 at a time many professionals could not see the relevance, creating the NSW Pocket Lawyer app, and publishing free legal information such as regular articles and videos when many firms viewed giving this information away as counterproductive to their financial interests.

We believe everyone should have free access to legal information, and our website contains over 15,000 pages (many of which are dozens of pages long) and nearly 1000 original videos which anyone can access at anytime.

Incorporating AI

Now, we have embraced AI technology by creating a Chatbot that draws on that information to provide users with instant answers to legal questions.

There’s a lot of inaccurate information one the broader internet – much of which is repeated in the echo chamber of cyber space – and a general AI search can present that information as accurate.

The benefit of the Sydney Criminal Lawyers AI Chatbot is the search is confined to information painstakingly produced and updated by members of our experienced, specialist criminal and traffic defence team over many years.

Using our AI Chatbot

To obtain instant legal answers, just click on the yellow icon at the bottom right on any page of our website when on mobile, or either the blue bot icon at the top right or yellow icon at the bottom right from a laptop or personal computer.

Then simply type in a question about criminal or traffic law.

Need a lawyer for a criminal or traffic law case?

For case-specific legal information about your criminal or traffic law matter, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 or send an email to and let our multi-award winning defence team take care of the legal side of things, so you can get on with what’s important in your life.


Sydney Criminal Lawyers

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® is Australia's Leading Criminal Defence firm, Delivering Outstanding Results in all Criminal and Traffic Law cases. Going to Court? Call (02) 9261 8881 for a Free Consultation.

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