Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 August 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Victoria’s Ongoing Heavy-Handed Cannabis Policing Is Harmful

Former senior police sergeant Greg Denham explains that, ‘[d]rugs aren’t the problem: it’s our drug policies that are causing the most harm.’

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What is a Recognizance Release Order?

A 40-year old teacher who sent sexual content to a person he thought was a 13-year old girl has avoided prison.

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What Is the Implied Right to Freedom of Political Communication in Australia?

The High Court found that a limited right to freedom of political communication is implied into the Australian Constitution.

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UK Extends Extradition Appeal, So US Can Challenge Assange’s Suicide Risk

The UK has broadened the scope of the US appeal against the decision not to extradite Julian Assange, so it can pick holes in the suicide risk finding.

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The US and Australia Leave Power Vacuum in Afghanistan for the Taliban to Fill

20 years after invading and destroying the country, coalition forces have left those who supported them at the mercy of the Taliban.

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Queensland Tightens the Noose on the Unvaccinated

The state is now refusing entry to the unvaccinated.

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Countering Corporate Capture: An Interview With Australian Democracy Network’s Saffron Zomer

Australians must speak out against the influence corporate money is having on our politicians.

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“The Spectre of State Power”: USYD Professor Greg Martin on Policing the Pandemic

The current situation “demonstrates a desperation on the part of the authorities… And it highlights that we can’t police our way out of a pandemic.”

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“We Can’t Police Our Way Out of a Pandemic”: Shoebridge on Intensifying COVID Policing

“NSW has put the police in charge of the pandemic response… And that… response isn’t working”.

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NSW Government Cashes In on COVID Fines

Greater restrictions, a five-fold increase in fines and heavy-handed police enforcement has the potential to push many over the edge.

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Fears Raised as COVID Policing Deployed to Regional First Nations Communities

Police commissioner Mick Fuller has told officers to take a ‘strong enforcement approach’ and assured them they won’t be accountable for getting it wrong.

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“Australia Has a Very Particular Obligation” to Take In Afghan Refugees

Australia was part of the force that invaded and destroyed the nation, and armed and trained locals to fight the Taliban, but now doesn’t want to accept those who risked their lives to help us.

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Anti-lockdown Protester Sent to Prison

The man was sentenced to a minimum of 3 months in prison after pleading guilty to offences relating to the organisation of yesterday’s protest.

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The Continuing Issue of Police Brutality in Australia

Flashback from 2015:

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