Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 12 to 18 July 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Rules Relating to District Court Appeals to Set Aside Criminal Convictions: Huynh v R

The NSWCCA has found that the District Court does not have the power to make certain types of non-conviction orders during severity appeals.

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Heavy-Handed COVID Policing: The Discriminatory Sweep of Southwestern Sydney

The approach by police towards residents in Southwestern Sydney is very different to that which was taken in the affluent Eastern suburbs.

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The Offence of Supplying a Large Commercial Quantity of Prohibited Drugs in NSW

Two Sydney men are facing drug supply charges after $12 million of drugs were allegedly found in their vehicle and at a home.

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The Offence of Participation in a Criminal Group in New South Wales

Former rugby league player Dylan Farrell is facing a string of charges relating to his alleged involvement in a drug supply syndicate.

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UK Gives US Permission to Appeal Decision Not to Extradite Assange, Despite Key Witness Lying

The US will reapply to extradite Assange, just days after a key witness for the US admitted fabricating evidence against the journalist.

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The Legalities Around Pork Barrelling in NSW

The state government has been able to get away with pork barrelling thus far because it hasn’t passed a specific law against it.

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Police to Investigate Bigotry by Police on Social Media

The Queensland police commissioner says an investigation is underway into a Facebook group where police officers published racist, sexist and homophobic posts.

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Indigenous Deaths in Custody Continue Unabated

The family of an Indigenous man who died last week in a Sydney prison cell are desperate for answers.

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Decriminalising Victorian Sex Work: An Interview With Reason’s Fiona Patten

Victoria will consider joining other Australian jurisdictions by decriminalising sex work.

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High Court Challenge to NSW Ag-Gag Laws: An Interview With Farm Transparency Project’s Chris Delforce

Activist filmmaker Chris Delforce is challenging laws which criminalise those who expose animal cruelty in farms.

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What Does the DPP Consider When Deciding Whether to Withdraw Criminal Charges?

Many are surprised the DPP has dropped the charges against a woman accused of inserting needles into strawberries.

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Tough New Covid Restrictions for Greater Sydney

There are concerns of major job losses and business closures due to the harsh new rules.

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Despite PM’s 2018 Promise, Religious Schools Can Still Expel LGBTQ Students

Scott Morrison has failed to deliver on his promise to revoke laws which allow religious schools to expel students based on their sexuality or gender identity.

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COVID Policing: We Can’t Arrest Our Way Out of a Pandemic

The heavy-handed enforcement of COVID orders is counter-productive to the health objectives being sought.

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In National Security State Australia, Press Freedom Is Just a Nice Idea

The AFP raids on the ABC are another example of how anti-terrorism laws are being used to criminalise criticism of the government and control the public.

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