Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 5 to 11 July 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Assaulting a Police Officer in New South Wales

Police arrested a man who tried to intervene while a female store owner was being forcefully arrested for not wearing a face mask.

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False Sexual Assault Allegation Ruins Man’s Life

The man ‘lost everything’ as a result of his former wife’s false allegations against him.

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NSW Drug Court Slated for Dubbo. So, How Will Its Diversionary Program Work?

The drug court program has been proven to significantly reduce rates of reoffending.

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Allegations of Historical Sexual Assault in Parliament Will Not Be Investigated

The committee set up to address the culture of sexual misconduct in parliament is unlikely to investigate historical complaints.

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New Evidence Casts Further Doubt on Death of Mhelody Bruno

Mhelody’s killer was treated leniently by the courts, but new evidence provides an insight into his violent tendencies.

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Victim of Police Brutality Commences Legal Proceedings

A man is seeking damages for spinal injuries sustained when he was thrown to the ground and violently arrested by officers from Strike Force Raptor.

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Morrison Has Gutted Public Universities Under Cover of COVID

The government has crippled public universities by withdrawing subsidies, while at the same time bending over backwards for big business.

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Refugees Left an Invidious Choice: Barrister Stephen Lawrence on Legal Indefinite Detention

A 4:3 majority of the High Court ruled that the Australian government can detain refugees and asylum seekers indefinitely.

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Judge Found to Have Sexually Harassed Court Staff

The Federal Circuit Court has apologised to two junior employees after an internal investigation found that one of its judges sexually harassed them.

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NRL Cracks Down on COVID Breaches

The national rugby league has issued fines, suspensions and even a dismissal over alleged breaches of COVID rules.

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Further Calls to Drop the Political Prosecution of Bernard Collaery

The Bar Association has called for the withdrawal of charges brought against the barrister for the man who exposed Australia’s illegal bugging of the Timor-Leste cabinet.

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“A Sense of Entitlement”: Shoebridge on Pork Barrelling and Lack of Federal Oversight

‘[I]t’s astounding how rapidly the promise to deliver… [a federal] ICAC dissolves once either of the major parties has their hands on the coffers.’

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The Increasing Militarisation of Australia and the Cold War With China Effect

The government has identified China as a military threat in order to justify increased military spending, when these billions could be better spent elsewhere.

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The Great Dividing Range Between Government and the People

Public trust in government is low, yet those in power don’t seem to care.

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