Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 March 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

What Does the Law Say About Self-Quarantining in NSW?

Failing to self-quarantine or to comply with a specific public health order is a criminal offence in New South Wales.

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High Court Rules on the Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence

The High Court has ruled on the weight to be given to various factors when deciding whether illegally obtained evidence is admissible.

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Government Ignores Vital Family Violence Reducing Solutions

The government has ignored expert recommendations designed to reduce family violence.

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Chomsky Declares “Morrison’s Australia” Amongst Top Three Climate Criminals

Political dissident Noam Chomsky has labelled the Morrison government one of the three greatest climate criminals on the planet.

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The ‘Coronavirus Effect’ On the NSW Court System

There will be no new jury trials and local court procedures have been changed to minimise the risk of the virus spreading.

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What is Obscene Exposure in New South Wales?

A man is facing court for allegedly exposing himself to a woman on a train, following her through the carriages and committing a ‘sexual act’.

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Rebellion Is Our Moral Duty: An Interview With Extinction Rebellion’s Larissa Payne

When the government breaks the social contract, the people don’t just have a right, but a duty to rebel.

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Release Frail and Elderly Inmates for COVID: An Interview With Greens MLC David Shoebridge

As the coronavirus spreads through prisons, there are calls for the sentences of our most vulnerable inmates to be served at home.

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True Blue Murder: SAS Soldier Executes Unarmed Man

The shocking footage of an SAS soldier executing an unarmed Afghan man substantiates whistleblower reports of war crimes by Australian soldiers.

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‘I’m Gonna F*** Your Life Up’: Tinder Stalker Sentenced to Imprisonment

The magistrate remarked “in my 34 years of criminal justice in New South Wales, I’ve never seen a case like this before”, before sentencing the former doctor to 9 months in prison.

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The Next Social Justice Movement: An Interview With the Animal Defenders Office’s Tara Ward

The Animal Defenders Office provides legal representation to those who risk their own liberty defending the rights of animals.

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Will Coronavirus Lead to a Rise in Domestic Violence Offences?

There are concerns that self-isolating, working from home and anxiety over the impact of coronavirus will lead to a rise in domestic violence offences.

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The Government is Watching You, But Don’t You Dare Watch It

The Australian government is continually passing laws to monitor and silence citizens, while at the same time targeting and criminally prosecuting those who expose crime and corruption within its departments.

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Toilet Paper Profiteers Will Be Prosecuted, Warns Dutton

The Home Affairs Minister says he’s “going to come after” those who sell supermarket goods for profit and warned “it won’t be a pretty experience” for them.

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“Straight-Up Execution”: Australian War Crimes Exposed in Afghanistan

“You want me to drop this c***”, said the Australian soldier before executing a defenceless Afghan man.

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Boycott Schools for COVID: An Interview With Workers Organising Resistance’s Kath Larkin

It’s an uncertain time, and while things may change within the next 24 hours, a group of educators are calling for the immediate shutdown of schools.

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Morrison’s Mixed Messages on the Coronavirus

A leading health expert has slammed the government for failing to act swiftly and decisively, and for sending mixed messages about the Coronavirus.

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