Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 May 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

COVID Restrictions Have Eased, But the Impact on Mental Health Continues

There has been a 25% increase in the reporting of mental health issues despite restrictions subsiding.

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Aboriginal Death in Custody Was Preventable, Inquest Hears

The woman was arrested for shoplifting and died in custody after ‘arrogant’ prison staff ignored hours of her screams.

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The Liar from the Shire Strikes Again

Our PM has been caught lying once again, this time about a confidential payment made to a former Liberal staffer.

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The Criminal Offence of Contravening an Australian Sanction

Australia has currently imposed sanctions against over 50 entities and 170 people, the contravention of which carry terms of imprisonment.

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“Don’t Waste Your Vote on a Major Party”: The New Rallying Cry This Federal Election

Voting for minor parties or independents can give them sway in parliament and lead to real change.

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“I Can Be a Bit of a Bulldozer”: Morrison Concedes Election Loss a Week Before Polling

The PM says he will “change with the way I do things” if re-elected.

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Legislating Cannabis Legalisation: An Interview With Legalise Cannabis Candidate Gail Hester

It’s time for “a safe, affordable and uninterrupted supply chain, with homegrow rights”, an impairment test for drug driving and the expunction of cannabis-related convictions.

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Dutton Loses Defamation Case

The defence minister has lost the defamation case he brought against a man over a Tweet.

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Over 200,000 Australians Could Be Prohibited from Voting in Federal Election

The Australian Electoral Commission ruled that anyone recently testing positive to COVID will be prohibited from attending polling booths.

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Convicted Multiple Child Murderer to Have Case Reassessed

An inquiry will take place into the case of a woman convicted of killing her four children, due to fresh evidence suggesting they may have died naturally.

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The Offence of Failing to Vote in an Australian Federal Election

Both failing to vote and casting multiple votes are offences under the Electoral Act 1918.

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Retired Judges Call for Federal ICAC, “Despite Recent Criticisms” From PM

31 former judges have joined the chorus of Australians demanding a federal anti-corruption commission with real power.

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Greater Transparency in Defence Decision-Making: Interview With AWPR’s Dr Alison Broinowski

There are calls for parliament rather than just the prime minister to decide whether our nation goes to war.

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NSW Coalition Government Launches Yet Another ‘Tough on Crime’ Drive

The NSW government is once again spruiking new ‘anti-crime’ laws which further increase state control and have the potential to adversely affect us all.

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Governments Benefit From Drug Prohibition to the Detriment of Public Health

Governments continue the war on drugs to maintain social control, despite the clear failure of prohibition.

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