Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 4 to 10 April 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Married At First Sight Nude Photo Sharing Scandal: Was a Crime Committed?

A contestant on the popular reality TV show is under investigation for allegedly sharing an intimate image without consent.

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Will the Death of Hannah Clarke and Her Children Bring Real Change?

There are hopes the killing of a woman and her three children will trigger real change when it comes to addressing family violence.

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Is Anyone Really Surprised That Morrison Used Racism for Political Gain?

There’s no tactic Scott Morrison won’t use for political gain, even exploiting the racial and religious heritage of opponents.

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High Risk Offender Who Breached Extended Supervision Order Has Sentence Reduced

His sentence was reduced on appeal as the breaches had nothing to do with reoffending.

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The Prime Minister is Not Fit for Purpose, According to Liberal Senator

The senator has called the PM a “self-serving ruthless bully” whose “outrageous abuse of morality and power is simply intolerable”.

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Thorpe Delivers Bill to Establish Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Law

The Senator has introduced a Bill that would see the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples enshrined in Australian law.

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Auditor-General Slams NSW Police Force Over Domestic Violence Failures

Police have been accused of failing to take complaints seriously, and re-traumatising rather than supporting victims.

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The Death of Protest in NSW: An Interview With Greens MLC Abigail Boyd

Draconian new legislation means “we have some of the most severe anti-protest laws in the world.”

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What is the Suitors’ Fund in New South Wales?

The suitors’ fund enables certain defendants whose whose trials are vacated, discontinued or left unfinalised to recover part of their legal costs.

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“Business as Usual Will Kill Us All”: An Interview With Fireproof Australia’s Danny Noonan

The NSW government’s draconian new anti-protest laws are “all about stifling dissent, so the dollars keep rolling in and the public is fooled.”

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The Cocaine Will Flow, Despite Police Parading Latest Seizure

The former senior sergeant explains that being “seen as ‘tough on drugs’…makes for great media” but “seizures have little impact on the availability of drugs”.

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Coalition Is Undermining Our Human Rights Commission, Global Body Asserts

A global alliance has found that the Coalition is appointing its cronies to head the Australian Human Rights Commission.

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What is a ‘Stay of Proceedings’ in New South Wales?

Former rugby league player Chris Dawson will stand trial for the alleged murder of his wife Lynette, after applications to permanently ‘stay’ the trial were refused.

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Federal Parties and Independents on How They Plan to Uphold Civil Liberties

The NSW Council of Civil Liberties has scored political parties and independents in terms of their commitment to protecting human rights.

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