Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 2 to 8 December 2019

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Pregnant Mum Pleads Guilty to Multiple Fraud Offences

The 32-year old mother-of-two kept a ‘to do list’ of the frauds she planned to commit each day, as well as a note stating, “fraud is not a crime, it’s a way of life”.

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Another Young Life Lost at a Music Festival: It’s Time for Pill Testing

The state government and police continue their stance against pill testing, despite the recommendations of the state coroner and the loss of yet another young life.

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In Solidarity With First Nations: An Interview With the Anticolonial Asian Alliance

Anti Colonial Asian Alliance is standing in solidarity with First Nations people against systemic racism.

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Drug Rehabilitation Programmes Reduce Reoffending Rates

The nation’s capital is starting a drug rehabilitation trial based on the NSW Drug Court programme.

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What is Infanticide in the Criminal Law?

The mother escaped a charge of murder despite intentionally drowning her six-month-old baby.

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Honest Cop Wins Appeal

A police officer who was prosecuted for doing the right thing has been vindicated.

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NSW Justice Amendment Package Part 1: Expanded Police Powers and More Criminal Offences

The new laws expand the powers and broaden the immunity of police, whilst introducing new criminal offences and expanding existing ones.

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George Pell’s High Court Appeal: Last Throw of the Dice

The highest court in the land will decide the fate of the nation’s highest ranking Catholic.

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It’s Time to Get Your Priorities Right, Scott Morrison

Rather than focus on the issues that matter most, our PM prefers to spend his time on authoritarian and bigoted new laws.

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The Focus Should Be on Reducing Deaths: An Interview With Jennie Ross-King

The mother of a teen who died after taking her pills before entering a music festival because she was concerned about police, is calling for the implementation of harm reduction measures.

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NT Sex Workers Finally Have Decriminalisation: An Interview With SWOP NT’s Coordinator Leanne Melling

The Northern Territory has passed laws to decriminalise the sex work industry, thereby upholding the rights of sex workers and respecting their privacy.

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The Repeal of Medevac Laws Mean More Power to Peter Dutton

The home affairs minister now has full power to decide whether sick asylum seekers can receive proper treatment.

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Suspicious Circumstances: Detained Eddie Murray Was Not in a State to Hang Himself

“Eddie’s blood alcohol level was so high he was incapable of standing for too long unassisted… let alone tie an intricate knot and suicide.”

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The Violence of the Frontier Wars Has Never Really Ended

State-sanctioned violence against First Nations people continues in the form of police brutality and mass incarceration.

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