Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 2 to 8 October 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Driver Not Having Proper Control of Vehicle in NSW

There’s broad consensus that a Golden Retriever who was snapped speeding was in a hurry to get away for the long weekend.

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Supreme Court Bail Applications in New South Wales

A rundown of the process for making a Supreme Court bail application in NSW, as well as the tests that apply and the factors considered.

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The Defence of Automatism: No Criminal Responsibility for Unconscious and Unforeseeable Conduct

A teen who fell asleep at the wheel without warning resulting in the deaths of two people was acquitted on appeal.

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Australia Must Introduce a Specialised Atrocity Crime Unit

Australia’s failure to prosecute war criminals highlights the need to comply with our international obligations by introducing a specialist unit.

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The Voice Debate: Misinformation and Disinformation Run Rife on Social Media

Social media is once again being used to distort facts and fabricate claims with a view to pushing an agenda.

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Judicial Reviews by the Court of Appeal in New South Wales

Glady’s Berejiklian has applied to the NSW Court of Appeal for a judicial review of ICAC’s finding that she engaged in ‘serious corrupt conduct’.

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A Truly Secular Australia Requires Vigilance, Asserts Secularism Australia’s Michael Dove

As politicians continue attempting to insert their religious views into the law, it is important to emphasise the importance of a secular society.

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Predicted Drug Deaths Begin, as Minns Continues Coalition’s Harm Maximisation Policy

The state government’s zero tolerance approach continues to increase the risks associated with illicit drug use.

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NSW Police Watchdog Recommends Assault Charges for Brutality Against Teen

The LECC recommended that assault charges be brought against police over the ‘excessive and unlawful use of force’ against a youth.

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The Legal Defence of Automatism in New South Wales

A man accused of dangerous driving causing death after falling asleep at the wheel has been acquitted.

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NSW May Abolish Requirement for Sexual Reassignment to Change Official Gender

Our state may get rid of a rule that requires a person to have sexual reassignment surgery to change the gender on their birth certificate.

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Crime Scene Examinations: Police and Lab Bungles Can Lead to Acquittal

Crimes scenes cannot be contaminated and labs must ensure results are not influenced by those paying them.

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