Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 21 to 27 August 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Your Guide to New South Wales Heroin Laws

A summary of offences relating to possessing, supplying, manufacturing and importing heroin, as well as driving with the drug in the system.

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Your Guide to New South Wales Methamphetamine (“Ice”) Laws

A summary of offences relating to possessing, supplying, manufacturing and importing meth and driving with the drug in the system.

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World Health Organisation Finally Acknowledges COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

The organisation has released a paper about the link between Covid-19 vaccines and serious medical conditions.

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“I Hope It’s Overturned”: Former Magistrate Heilpern on Revoking of Drug Driving Mistake Defence

A District Court Judge recently ruled that the well-established legal defence of mistake of fact is not available to those accused of drug driving.

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Thorpe Exposes Inconvenient Truths Suppressed by the Voice Debate at the Press Club

Popular political and mainstream coverage of the debate has suppressed key information.

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‘Mastermind’ of Australia’s Biggest Tax Fraud Receives Lengthy Prison Sentence

The son of the ATO’s former deputy commissioner has been sentenced to 15 years behind bars.

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The Political Climate Is Ripe for a Human Rights Act in New South Wales

A coalition of groups are pushing for New South Wales to finally have a Human Rights Act.

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Doli Incapax and the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia

Two-13 year old boys have been charged over a fire at multi-storey building in Surry Hills.

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PJCIS: Major Party National Security Law Rubber Stamping Club’s Mandate to Broaden

The government’s power to monitor and control Australian citizens is set to increase even further.

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Leg Sweep, Anyone? NSW Police Continues Reign of Excessive Force, Despite Rising Calls for Reform

The NSW Police Commissioner sees no issue with the state’s officers brutalising members of the public with impunity.

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Is There a Difference Between White Collar Crime and Corporate Crime?

While the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between them.

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Barristers Propose Injecting Murderers with ‘Truth Serum’ to Locate Bodies

There are concerns the controversial proposal would not only be inhumane but ineffective.

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