Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 18 to 24 September 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Rules Relating to Visual Identification Evidence in NSW

It was him! I’m 100% sure! Many innocent people have been imprisoned based on evidence from well-meaning but mistaken eye-witnesses.

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Material Facts: Why Do Criminal Lawyers Use Some Facts But Not Others?

Good lawyers will explain to their clients that not all information is ‘material’ (relevant) to overcoming the allegations, and how using some material can be harmful.

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The Deployment of ADF Troops for Domestic Disturbances is an Ominous Sign

Sending troops to flood-affected Lismore for ‘riot control exercises’ exemplifies the military’s shift from protecting against foreign threats to controlling citizens.

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Another Mentally Ill Woman Dies After Being Tasered by NSW Police Officers

The daughter begged for help and was assured her unwell mother would be looked after by professionals.

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Conduct Suggesting Consciousness of Guilt Insufficient to Convict, Appeal Court Finds

In this ‘most unusual of cases’, the court quashed the jury’s verdict as the conduct was open to an alternative explanation.

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Russell Brand: Next on the #MeToo Sexual Abuser Hitlist

The actor vehemently denies claims he sexually assaulted and abused several women, calling the allegations a ‘coordinated attack’.

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Climate Defender on Trial for Refusal to Disclose Device Passwords: Disrupt Burrup Hub’s Joana Partyka

An activist is facing charges for refusing to disclose her passwords, which looks like a fishing expedition as she is not charged with anything else.

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The Legal Defence of Duress In New South Wales

The defence applies where conduct resulted from an imminent, serious and ongoing threat that could not reasonably be avoided.

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It’s Always Been About Treaty: Senator Lidia Thorpe on the Progressive Vote

The debate over The Voice has overshadowed calls for real change by way of a Treaty.

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How Can I Make a Statutory Declaration in New South Wales?

A statutory declaration may be used to verify information in a range of situations, including legal matters unrelated to court proceedings.

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The By-Design Lack of Federal Rights Protections Is Driving Australia’s Authoritarian Drift

“Australians are unaware of the vast inroads made into our civil liberties by the most authoritarian western democracy currently in the world: Australia”.

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PM’s COVID Inquiry Will Be Ineffective, As It Ignores State and Territory Responses

The federal inquiry will ignore the decisions made by those responsible for the orders that many felt were unduly oppressive.

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There’s a Desperate Need to Focus on Rehabilitation in Australian Prisons

A new prison programme is promoting health, well-being and a sense of responsibility, which benefits the entire community in the longer term.

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‘Safe Drivers’ Will Have One Demerit Point Deleted, Under NSW Government Scheme

Fully licensed drivers will be eligible for the return of one demerit point if they maintain a clean record for a year from 17 January 2023.

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