Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 27 June to 3 July 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

What is a Community Correction Order in New South Wales?

An Australian bikini model has been handed a community correction order after being convicted for credit card fraud.

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Lawyers Slam Further Tightening of NSW Bail Laws

The amendments will make it less likely that defendants will plead guilty and seek rehabilitation, and put additional pressure on courts and prisons.

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When Will the Prosecution Pursue a Retrial in New South Wales?

DPP guidelines list what the prosecution must consider when deciding whether to pursue a retrial following a hung jury.

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The New Bail Act Amendments: Against the Interests of Justice and the Community

The amendments were rushed through parliament in just two days and are likely to hinder guilty pleas and treatment, and place additional pressure on courts and prisons.

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The Sluggish Demise of Drug Prohibition Is Gaining Momentum

The move towards treating drug dependence as a health issue rather than a criminal law problem is picking up pace.

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Channel 10 Hires Top Defamation Barrister and Warns Against Publicly Criticising its Presenter

In what may be seen as mainstream media hypocrisy, the broadcaster that pushed for greater press freedom is now warning against public criticism of its presenter.

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Court Won’t Charge Presenters With Contempt, But Will Instead Ask Them For Undertakings

The ACT Supreme Court won’t charge Wilkinson, Jones or Keller with contempt, but will ask them to promise not to do it again.

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Whistleblower David McBride Remains the Only One Charged Years After Brereton Report

The former ADF lawyer is being prosecuted for exposing Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, while authorities turn a blind eye to those accused of perpetrating the offences.

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NSW Police Emboldened by Anti-Protest Regime, As Blockade Australia Takes the Streets

Police are aggressively arresting activists both before and after planned protests.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for the Offence of Common Assault

A teacher pleaded guilty to common assault after shoving a student in the back with his foot.

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The Offences of Human Trafficking and Procuring a Child for Sexual Activity in Australia

Former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse girls.

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“This Litany of Horrors Degrades Our Whole Nation”: PJLU’s Fabia Claridge on Refugee Policy

“We need to look at the huge benefit in skills, social perspectives and food that refugees bring with them to enhance our country.”

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NSW Government Stalls on Inevitable Drug Reforms: An Interview With NUAA’s Dr Mary Ellen Harrod

There are calls for the Perrottet government to finally adopt the recommendations of its own inquiry into drug law reform.

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R Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking

“These crimes were calculated and carefully planned… You taught them that love is enslavement and violence.”

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Albanese Retains Dutton’s Righthand-Man Mike Pezzullo as Home Affairs Boss

There are indications the Albanese government intends to continue the Coalition’s tough stance on home affairs.

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Robodebt 2.0: Labor Moves to Hit Up the Unemployed for Debts Caused by Mismanagement

The Albanese government has decided to launch a new social security debt collecting program, despite the devastating and tragic impact of the illegal Robodebt scheme.

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