Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 20 to 26 June 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

NSW Police Accused of Covering Up Killing of Mentally Ill Man

The NSW Police Commissioner appealed to the Supreme Court to suppress evidence relating to the fatal shooting of a mentally ill man.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Kidnapping in New South Wales

Two teens who pleaded guilty to luring a businessman using Grindr before kidnapping and assaulting him have been found not guilty of his murder.

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The ABF’s Powers to Search and Seize Electronic Devices, Require Passwords and Copy Data

Australian Border Force officers conducted over 40,000 warrantless searches of passengers’ electronic devices, including seizures for little or no apparent reason.

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Albanese Must Step Up and Fight for Assange, as UK Greenlights Extradition

As opposition leader, Mr Albanese called for Assange’s release saying “enough is enough”. But it’s unclear what he’s now doing to help bring our truth-teller home.

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Children Vandalise Detention Centre After Being Subjected to ‘Cruel and Degrading’ Treatment

The conduct occurred after findings that children were being subjected to “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” and a magistrate’s warning that “if you want to make a monster, this is the way you do it”.

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Calls for Police Guns Out of First Nations Communities and an End to the Intervention

Sydneysiders rallied in force to called for an end to the heavy-handed policing of First Nations communities and colonialist intervention policies.

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NSW Considers Medical Cannabis Driving Defence: Interview With Former Magistrate David Heilpern

The fact that a medicinal cannabis user can face criminal charges for minute traces quantities in their system, “completely beggars belief… And [the situation] needs to change.”

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Victorian Government Backtracks on Promise to Decriminalise Public Intoxication

The state promised to decriminalise public intoxication after the tragic death of Tanya Day, but has now put its pledge ‘on hold’.

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Bungled Unwarranted Police Stakeout Results in Premature Raid, Says Climate Arrestee Nick Weaver

Officers are continuing to violently arrest peaceful protesters before charging them with assaulting police and resisting arrest.

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Authorities Continue Crackdown on Climate Activism With Extralegal NSW Police Raid

The police raid was a “tactic… to stifle, detain and harass a climate movement that’s been growing in numbers and momentum”.

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“A Watershed Moment for Drug Policy”: Dr David Caldicott on the ACT Fixed Pill Testing Site

The potentially life-saving fixed pill testing site in the nation’s capital “represents a… watershed moment… for drug policy in Australia.”

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Portugal’s Experience of Drug Decriminalisation

From 2017. The facts speak for themselves. The people who will miss out are criminal lawyers.

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Television Presenter Could Face Contempt of Court Charges

Veteran presenter Lisa Wilkinson could face criminal charges over a speech which led to the Brittany Higgins trial being delayed.

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After WA’s Historic Pardons, Further Police Accountability Is Needed for Baby Charlie

The state has finally apologised over the appalling treatment by police of a mother which led to the murder of her baby.

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