Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 31 January to 6 February 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Only Fully Vaccinated Participants Can Attend Supreme Court Trials

A participant must be fully vaccinated to physically attend a Supreme Court trial, with the possible exception of the defendant.

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Bail in New South Wales: Being Able to Prepare for Trial is an Important Consideration

The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal granted bail in order to ensure the defendant could adequately prepare for trial.

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COVID Positive Inmates Try to Avoid Detection, as Hundreds Infected Inside

“When a person identifies as being COVID positive, they’re moved into segregation, and they’re then suffering some very poor conditions”.

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Victoria Police Accused of Crime and Corruption

A senior officer has been charged with 87 criminal offences for allegedly falsifying affidavits to obtain search warrants.

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Australia Fails on OPCAT Implementation to Detriment of Those Inside

Our government has failed to comply with laws requiring independent inspections of detention facilities to prevent human rights abuses.

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Should Child Sex Offenders Be Allowed to Rely on Otherwise Good Character?

A child sexual abuse victim wants courts to be prevented from considering an offender’s otherwise good character during sentencing.

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Mining Giant Under Fire for Workplace Toxicity, Social Irresponsibility and Environmental Destruction

A scathing inquiry has resulted in the company promising to address a range of issues.

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Boycott Beijing’s Sportswashing: An Interview With Australia Tibet Council’s Dr Zoe Bedford

Australians are being urged to boycott watching the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, in protest over the appalling human rights abuses in Tibet.

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Criminal Conviction Recorded Against Child Over Brutal Attack

The appeal court reversed an earlier decision not to record a conviction against a 15-year old girl who led a horrific attack on a 13-year old boy during a sleepover.

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Morrison to Silence Online Dissent Under Pretext of Protecting Against Trolls

Laws marketed as necessary to prevent online abuse will better enable the government to silence its critics.

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The Genocide Games: AUTWA’s Ramila Chanisheff on Boycotting the Beijing Olympics

Those who condemn China’s genocide of its Uyghur population are drawing comparisons between the Nazi Olympics and next year’s Beijing games.

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Amnesty Declares Israel an Apartheid State

Amnesty’s 280-page report sets out how Israel’s treatment of Palestinians amounts to the crime of apartheid.

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The Political Climate Being Conjured by Morrison Is Hardly the Way Forward

The case of a Christian school making clear kids can be expelled if they are LGBTQ is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the society our PM is creating.

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