Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 17 to 23 January 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Coalition Targets Parliament Sex Scandal Whistleblower, Rather Than Its Own

The man who exposed the parliamentary sex scandal has found himself being prosecuted.

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A Rundown of the UK High Court Decision to Greenlight Assange’s US Extradition

The UK’s decision to overrule its initial one not to extradite the award-winning Australian journalist is based on sketchy US assurances.

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Rapid Antigen Tests: Unavailable or Overpriced

Governments are promoting the use of RATs, but many are finding them unavailable or prohibitively expensive.

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The Djokovic Saga: Another Example of Australian Authoritarianism at Work

The case demonstrates that the Immigration Minister is judge, jury and executioner, regardless of a visa application’s merit.

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Religious Schools Retain Right to Sack LGBTQ Teachers and Expel Students, For Now

The PM is adamant religious schools will retain the right to discriminate based on “sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or relationship status or pregnancy”.

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Morrison Created the Immigration Minister’s “God-Like Powers” When He Held Office

The Djokovic debacle has shone a light on the immigration minister’s extraordinary power to decide the fate of not just the famous, but also the most vulnerable.

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March This Invasion Day: NSWALRA’s Clayton Simpson-Pitt on the Sydney Rally

“[T]here will be thousands of people marching down George Street on the day, chanting, “Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.””

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Rapid Antigen Tests: Short Supply and High Price Leads to Crime and Thriving Black Market

A man has been charged over his alleged role in stealing 42,000 RATs from a Sydney freight depot.

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“A Highly Politicised Use of Police”: Shoebridge on COVID Policing, Quotas and Drug Dogs

“This ramping up of the police role in society may take a generation or more to ramp back down again.”

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Winner of 2021 Sydney Criminal Lawyers Scholarship Announced

This year’s winner is sure to make a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable people.

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QAnon: What Does the Alt-Right Conspiracy Theory Actually Believe?

Some believe Donald Trump leads a fight against a world-wide cabal of Satan worshipping paedophiles. And that’s just the start.

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Australian Billionaires Clean Up Under COVID: The Cost “Human Lives”

COVID has enabled our nation’s 47 billionaires to double their wealth, at the expense of the most vulnerable.

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Police Officer Charged Over Brutal Assault

The officer approached a man from behind and violently threw him to the floor, knocking him unconscious and leaving him in a pool of blood and urine.

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“Quiet Australians” Are Realising Morrison Doesn’t Care About Them

Many who previously supported the current PM are realising what he’s really all about.

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