Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 7 to 13 September 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Dangerous Driving Occasioning Grievous Bodily Harm in NSW

A driver has been charged with dangerous driving occasioning GBH after a collision in Liverpool which allegedly resulted in serious injuries to two of his passengers.

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The Offence of Serious Animal Cruelty in New South Wales

A woman has been accused of slashing a dog’s throat during a domestic violence incident.

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Sydney Lawyer Struck Off for Stealing from Mother’s Estate

The former principal of a law firm was struck off after he unlawfully dealt with trust funds relating to his mother’s estate.

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NSW Police Officer Charged With Possessing Child Abuse Material

A New South Wales Police Officer is facing court after being charged with possessing child abuse material.

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Criminologists Call for Divestment in Police and Prisons to End First Nations Injustice

“Our governments have used criminalisation and imprisonment as a solution to multi-layered and complicated social disadvantages”.

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Queensland to Force Priests to Report Child Sexual Abuse

There are calls for NSW to follow our northern neighbour by enacting laws which compel priests to report child sexual abuse.

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Restore the Right to Protest: An Interview With Democracy Is Essential’s Vinil Kumar

The government-led and police-enforced ban on protests is undermining democracy in our state.

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Berejiklian Short-Sighted on Uranium: An Interview With Uranium Free NSW’s Natalie Wasley

Premier Berejiklian is considering lifting a ban on uranium mining despite the highly toxic mineral being unprofitable.

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Dutton Is Turfing Vulnerable Refugees Out Onto the Street Mid-Pandemic

The government is issuing asylum seekers with notices terminating their accommodation and revoking their income support.

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Morrison and Murdoch Scrambled to Hide the Climate Cause of the Bushfires

The Burnt Country Report reveals how our PM and the Murdoch press collaborated to mislead the public about the underlying causes of our bushfires.

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The Offences of Procuring and Grooming Children for Sexual Activity in NSW

Parents are being warned that incidents of online child grooming have skyrocketed during COVID-19.

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Australia Looks the Other Way, as Assange Is Hung Out to Dry

Our government is ignoring the fact that Australian citizen and multi award-winning journalist Julian Assange is being crucified for exposing the truth about atrocities committed by the United States.

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When Can Police Arrest a Person Without a Warrant in NSW?

Rugby league player Curtis Scott had all charges against him dismissed, after being tasered, capsicum sprayed and handcuffed for sleeping under a tree.

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Challenge Everything: An Interview With Extinction Rebellion’s Blue Sandford

“The scientific consensus is completely clear – if we don’t change now, we might not survive.”

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COVID Lockdown: Victorian Premier May Have Lied About Curfew Advice

Victoria’s police commissioner and chief health officer have contradicted the premier’s claims about nightly curfews.

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