The Killing Won’t Stop, and Nor Will the Movement: Free Palestine Sydney 25 Weeks On

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Movement Free Palestine in Sydney

The Sydney CBD was yet again overwhelmed by the sounds of mass chanting from a procession of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters draped in watermelon colours, drumming and banging on pots and pans and calling for a ceasefire 25 weeks into one of the most horrifying acts of all time.

“This Zionist government has exceeded the devil himself. This Zionist government – this barbaric, illegal government – has not left a tactic which it has not used against the people of Gaza,” said Palestinian orator Assala Sayara.

“It has stripped bodies. It has raped women, in front of their husbands. It has wiped out entire families. It has burnt people alive. It has killed people in cold blood. It has orphaned children. It has mutilated corpses,” she told the crowd of thousands in Hyde Park North.

“This is a satanic… intensity. But I will say that it seems like Gaza is not only fighting this illegal state: Gaza is fighting the world.”

“The resolution that came out of the United Nations Security Council is just ink on paper,” the member of Palestine Action Group Sydney continued.

“A genocide is not something that you just pause. A genocide is only addressed when you address it from the root cause, which is the occupation.”

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground to take part in the ongoing Free Palestine procession on Gadigal for its 25th week in a row.

Palestinian protester waves the flag of her people, after she spoke of the similarities of the struggles of the Palestinian and Aboriginal peoples and the same pretext of empty land
Palestinian protester waves the flag of her people, after she spoke of the similarities of the struggles of the Palestinian and Aboriginal peoples and the same pretext of empty land
On Easter Sunday, as the procession rolled through the CBD, it roared for a ceasefire
On Easter Sunday, as the procession rolled through the CBD, it roared for a ceasefire
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Wiradjuri Badu Island Yinaa Lynda-June Coe made clear that settlers carried out the same genocidal actions as in Gaza on the Gadigal Country where protesters were gathered
The drumming for Gaza made the Sydney CBD tremble on Sunday, for the 25th week in a row
The drumming for Gaza made the Sydney CBD tremble on Sunday, for the 25th week in a row
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Sheikh Ibrahim Dadoun called out Labor ministers for standing idly by as genocide continues in front of the entire globe
Palestinian orator Assala Sayara leads the procession for Palestinian liberation
Palestinian orator Assala Sayara leads the procession for Palestinian liberation
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
Twenty five weeks on and thousands continue to come because the killing doesn’t stop
Twenty five weeks on and thousands continue to come because the killing doesn’t stop
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The conservative estimate is that Netanyahu has butcher more than 33,000 Palestinians, including around 15,000 Indigenous children since early October
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The genocide complicit prime minister Anthony Albanese drops it on the people again for Easter

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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